Stylus Profilometer

KLA Tencor P-7


KLA Tencor P-7 Profilometer

The KLA Tencor P-7 Profilometer is a physical thickness measurement tool that uses a capacitance difference to measure the surface topography and profile of a sample. The stylus is made up of a diamond tip with a 2.5μm diameter that laterally passes across the sample for a given distance. It measures both the step height and the roughness.


Aluminum on glass sample profilometer scan. Fabricated using the Angstrom Amod Multimode Deposition Chamber and measured with the KLA Tencor P-7 Stylus Profilometer in the VINSE Cleanroom. (Laura Bertolami, Tech Crew).
  • Sample Size
    • Maximum: 8” round
    • Minimum: 10mm x 10mm
  • Step Height
    • Maximum: 320μm
    • Minimum: ~15nm
  • Vertical data resolution
    • 327μm Range: 0.2 Å
    • 13μm Range: 0.008 Å
  • Stylus
    • 5μm diameter
    • 60° cone angle
  • Applied Force
    • Maximum: 2.00mg
    • Minimum: 0.5mg


  • VINSE Cleanroom

    VINSE Cleanroom

    Dr. Ben Schmidt, Manager

    Dr. Christina McGahan
    Megan Dernberger

    • 111 Engineering Science Building