
Jobin Yvon Fluorolog-3 FL3-111



Spectrofluorometer is the ultimate in modular research system, designed to perform emitted light analysis over the ultraviolet and visible regions of the spectrum as well as far into the IR (250-3000nm).


  • Operating range from 220 nm to 3000 nm
  • No grating or detector configuration changes to the system are necessary for operation from 220 nm to 1600 nm
  • Manual emission detector change is needed to extend the range out to 3000 nm
  • Source- ozone-free Xenon arc lamp 450 W with output from 220 nm to 2500 nm
  • Excitation and Emission monochromators- modified Czerny-Turner design with spherical and toroidal mirrors to eliminate astigmatism
  • Kinematically mounted classically ruled grating
  • The monochromator’s slits can be adjusted from .2 nm to 30 nm in .1 nm increments
  • The monochromators have a wavelength accuracy of 0.5 nm over their scanning range and wavelength repeatability of 0.1 nm
  • Each monochromator automatically self-calibrates its wavelength and slit positions on start-up
  • Sample compartment- T-format design to accommodate one excitation and two emission monochromators simultaneously
  • Achromatic reflective aluminized front face focusing mirrors. The MgF2 protected aluminized mirrors reflect from the vacuum UV to far IR (which includes the 250 nm to 3000 nm region)  
  • 1:1 imaging from the monochromator slits to the sample provides for precise focusing on micro volume samples
  • A silicon photodiode reference detector serves to monitor the Xenon lamp’s spectrum so it can be ratioed out on the fly or after the fact for corrected excitation spectra
  • A mechanical excitation shutter automatically prevents sample photobleaching when data isn’t being taken
  • Emission detectors- each of the three emission detectors has a range that it works over
  • Hamamatsu R928 PMT with room temperature housing, HV power supply and single photon counting amplifier discriminator electronic module has a range from 200 nm to 900 nm
  • PbS thermoelectrically cooled solid-state IR detector with preamp, thermoelectric cooler power supply, IR detector housing (with 6:1 achromatic reflective aluminized front face focusing mirror) and current to frequency electronic module has a range from 1000 nm to 3000 nm
  • InGaAs liquid nitrogen cooled solid-state NIR detector with preamp and 15-volt power supply (for use with the InAs detector’s IR detector housing and current to frequency electronic module) has a range from 800 nm to 1600 nm
  • Radiometric emission correction factors for every relevant grating and detector combination are provided to correct for the wavelength response of the grating and detector. The radiometric correction factor can be applied after the fact or on the fly for corrected emission spectra
  • Software- FluorEssence™ merges spectrofluorometer data-acquisition directly to the Origin® software
  • Liquid sample holder for standard (10 mm path length) cuvette


Fluorescence spectroscopy is used in many different industries to analyze materials that exhibit fluorescent behavior due to their molecular and structural features. The emission spectra have characteristics that are structure and environment dependent, and can thus be used for structure identification, with particular benefits in biochemical, medical, and chemical research.

  • Biological detectors
  • Spectroscopy/chemical sensors
  • Fluorescent labeling
  • Mineralogy
  • Forensic applications
  • Food industry


  • Dr. Dmitry Koktysh

    Dr. Dmitry Koktysh

    VINSE Analytical Laboratory

    • 107 Engineering Science Building