
The MTI EQ-SPC 2 Screen Printer can be used for quickly producing patterns using various paste types. Using the same process as t-shirt screen printing, mask like designs can be produced using similar steps to photolithography: degrease the screen, coat the screen with light sensitive emulsion, and burn (expose) the screen and emulsion to UV light with the mask aligner. The screen can then be used as a mask for pattern transfer with a paste and the screen printer setup. The Cleanroom has developed a process using silver paste for solar cell metal contacts using the screen printer.
- Pattern transferred to emulsion/screen with the use of a photoplotter mask
- Sample size maximum: 5x5 inch (limited by mask aligner capabilities)
- General steps:
- Degreasing screen
- Coating screen with liquid, light sensitive emulsion
- Burning screen to transfer pattern (from a plastic mask)
- Transferring pattern to substrate (like a silicon wafer)
VINSE Cleanroom
Dr. Ben Schmidt, Manager
Dr. Christina McGahan
Megan Dernberger- 111 Engineering Science Building