Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

Zeiss Merlin with Gemini II Column


SEM Image 1
Annealed Pb alloy particle. Imaged in the VINSE facilities using the Zeiss Merlin Scanning Electron Microscope. (Janna Eaves, Pint Group)

The Zeiss Merlin is a highly capable and user-friendly scanning electron microscope designed for rapid imaging of micro to nanoscale samples. The Merlin is fully equipped with all common modes of imaging, including secondary electron, backscattered electron and STEM-in-SEM. Further, chemical analysis and mapping is available with the Oxford X-max 50 SDD EDS system.


SEM Image 2
Organic solvent residue on an amorphous silicon (a-Si) substrate. Deposited in the VINSE cleanroom using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) & Imaged in the VINSE facilities using the Zeiss Merlin Scanning Electron Microscope. (Elena Kovalik, Valentine group)
SEM Image 3
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) residue on graphene after transferring to sulfonated poly-ether ether ketone (SPEEK) and soaking in acetone. Imaged in the VINSE facilities using the Zeiss Merlin Scanning Electron Microscope. (Nicole Moehring, Kidambi group)


  • High resolution SEM for 1 kV up to 30 kV
  • Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector
  • In-lens secondary and energy selective backscatter detector
  • Segmented STEM detector and dedicated TEM grid holder
  • 4-Quadrant backscattered electron detector


  • Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (Oxford X-MAX 50 SDD)

Charge Compensation

  • Gas injection needle for charge compensation for improved imaging of non-conductive samples


  • Oxford Aztec 3.3 EDS Analysis Software


SEM Image 4
ZnO nanowires grown hydrothermally on GaN, taken at the sample's edge. Imaged in the VINSE facilities using the Zeiss Merlin Scanning Electron Microscope. (Erin Burgard & Alex Klapowitz, Haglund group)
  • Micro to nanoscale imaging
  • Surface Imaging
  • Fabrication process validation
  • Nanoscale metrology
  • Chemical analysis and mapping
  • STEM in SEM imaging for low voltage transmission imaging of tissue and beam sensitive materials
  • Gunshot residue (GSR) analysis
  • Failure analysis


  • Dr. James McBride

    Dr. James McBride

    VINSE Advanced Imaging

    • 015 Engineering Science Building