Multimode Deposition Chamber

Angstrom Amod – Combined E-beam, Resistive and Sputter Deposition Chamber


Angstrom Multimode
Angstrom Multimode Deposition Chamber (left) and inside chamber (right)

The Angstrom Amod Multimode system is a versatile tool for physical vapor deposition (PVD) of thin films of insulators, semiconductors, and metals via electron beam evaporation, resistive thermal evaporation, or RF sputtering. Multiple source materials can be loaded into the 6-pocket, indexed e-beam hearth or 2-position resistive thermal section. RF sputtering is available from a single gun in sputter-up configuration, with additional gases available for reactive sputtering. Source materials can be deposited simultaneously in up to two resistive sources and one e-beam source with independent rate control and measurement for each source material. The deposition chamber can be opened to air or to a nitrogen glovebox with a spincoater, allowing coatings of air-sensitive samples such as organic films.


Multimode 2
Chromium thermally evaporated onto a diced silicon wafer with a 300 nm layer of silicon dioxide to form an alignment grid for locating graphene flakes, camera image (left) and optical micrograph of grid (right).

Simultaneous operation of two resistive sources and one e-beam source available.

  • Current deposition materials:
    • Electron beam evaporation: Fe, Ti, SiO2, Al2O3, Ag, Ni, Au, Pt, Si, Pd
    • Resistive thermal evaporation: Al, Cr
    • RF sputtering: Ti, VO2 (V target)
    • Additional materials available upon request
  • Maximum sample size:
    • Flat holder: 5 inch (14 cm) diameter
    • Angled holder: 3 inch x 2 inch (8.4 cm x 5 cm)
  • Sample holders:
    • Flat and angled (improved liftoff and fidelity of sub-micron features) sample holders available
    • Holder rotation for high uniformity films available
    • Holder Z translation: 9 inch (10 cm)
    • Temperature range: liquid nitrogen-cooled to 800 oC
  • Deposition hardware:
    • 2 resistive thermal evaporation sources
    • 1 sputter gun in sputter-up configuration (sample sits at top of chamber)
    • Ar and O2 gases available for sputtering
    • 6 pocket electron beam evaporation hearth with programmable beam sweep controller and crucible indexer
  • Film thicknesses controlled by quartz crystal microbalance in conjunction with manual or PID loop control
  • Chamber reaches 5e-6 Torr after a 30 minute pumpdown
  • Direct access to nitrogen glovebox with spincoater and to resistive deposition system for air-sensitive samples


Angstrom Multimode
Aluminum dioxide (Al2O3) disks and markers electron beam evaporated on silicon chip to form an etch mask for the silicon, camera image (left) and optical micrograph of disks (right).
Amgstrom Multimode 3
Gold mirror with titanium adhesion layer electron beam evaporated on a 3 inch silicon wafer using the Angstrom Multimode system.
  • Metal Electrodes
  • Active Materials (VO2)
  • Metamaterials
  • Nanoparticles and Nanoparticle Coatings
Amgstrom Multimode 4
Scratch on 10nm chromium film. Imaged and deposited in the VINSE facilities using optical microscopy and the Angstrom deposition system. (Elena Kovalik, Valentine group)


  • VINSE Cleanroom

    VINSE Cleanroom

    Dr. Ben Schmidt, Manager

    Dr. Christina McGahan
    Megan Dernberger

    • 111 Engineering Science Building