Process Hoods

Process Hoods


Process-specific chemical hoods are available in the cleanroom for various stages in the fabrication process.  Each has an assortment of glassware and plasticware, spin coaters, hot plates, DI water and N2 guns, sinks, and designated waste drains.  Common solvents (acetone, methanol, isopropanol) are provided where appropriate.

Process Hoods

  • RCA Cleaning Hood
    • Tools:
      • Two hot plates
      • SC1, SC2, HF baths
      • Quick dump rinse (QDR) bath
  • Liftoff Hood
    • Tools:
      • Open Air Rocker
      • One hot plate
      • Digital Ultrasonic Cleaner
  • EBL Hood
    • Tools:
      • EBL resist spin coater
      • Two hot plates
    • Resists:
      • 495 PMMA A 2, 950 PMMA A 2, 495 PMMA A 4, 950 PMMA A 4, 495 PMMA A 8, 950 PMMA A 8
      • ma-N 2405
  • Microfluidics Hood
    • Tools:
      • SU8 spin coater
      • Two hot plates
      • Silanization desiccator
    • Photoresists:
      • SU8 - 2002, 2010, 2025, 2050, 2075
      • mr-DWL 40
  • Photoresist Hood
    • Tools:
      • Photoresist spin coater
      • Two hot plates
    • Photoresists:
      • S1805, S1811, S1813
      • SPR 220 4.5, SPR 220 7.0
      • NR9-1000PY
      • LOR 1A, LOR 7B, LOR 30B
  • Development Hood
    • Tools:
      • Open Air Rocker
    • Acid/Base Hood
      • Acid/base waste drain
      • DI water rinse bath
  • HF Hood
  • Miscellaneous Hood
    • Tools:
      • PDMS desiccator
      • Spin coaters - PMMA, PDMS, Nanoparticle
        • Model WS-400B-6NPP/LITE
      • Two portable hot plates
        • Three scales


  • VINSE Cleanroom

    VINSE Cleanroom

    Dr. Ben Schmidt, Manager

    Dr. Christina McGahan
    Megan Dernberger

    • 111 Engineering Science Building