Microwave Plasma Asher

PVA TePla IoN Wave 10


Microwave Plasma Asher

The PVA TePla IoN Wave 10 is a batch plasma system with applications in photoresist removal, wafer descum, and surface cleaning and activation.  The device features a microwave component. This property provides more dense plasma and a lower induced bias voltage across a substrate relative to a standard RF plasma, enabling higher ashing rates and less severe plasma damage.


  • Substrate size: up to 200 mm (8”) diameter
  • Process gases: CF4, O2, Ar
  • Microwave frequency/power: 1000 W @ 2.45 GHz
  • Process pressure: 375 - 1125 mTorr
  • Windows-based operating system
  • Quartz chamber and chemical resistant seals


  • VINSE Cleanroom

    VINSE Cleanroom

    Dr. Ben Schmidt, Manager

    Dr. Christina McGahan
    Megan Dernberger

    • 111 Engineering Science Building