Laser Writer

Heidelberg Instruments μPG 101


Laser Writer
Heidelberg Instruments μPG 101 Laser Writer (left) and associated software (right)

The Heidelberg Instruments μPG 101 laser writer is a versatile micro pattern generation tool for direct writing/maskless lithography and low volume mask making of chrome-glass photolithography masks.  The tool is compatible with a wide range of sample sizes, sample materials, and photoresists.  The chrome-glass masks are compatible with the VINSE Karl Suss MA-6 mask aligner.  All masks are printed by VINSE Cleanroom Staff unless otherwise specified.


Laser Writer
Photoresist on a Si wafer exposed to range of different exposure parameters in the Heidelberg Instruments μPG 101 Laser Writer. Fabricated in the VINSE Cleanroom on the Heidelberg Instruments μPG 101. (Owen Meilander, Ebrish Group)
  • Minimum feature size:
    • Line in space: 2 μm
    • Space between lines: 2 μm
    • Line array: 2 μm
    • Point in space: 4 μm
  • Sample size: 1 cm x 1 cm to 13 cm x 13 cm
  • Sample types: recipes developed for silicon and glass, discuss other sample material with VINSE cleanroom staff
  • Pattern size: 10 μm x 10 μm to 10 cm x 10 cm
  • Pattern write time dependent on pattern size and photoresist used
  • Chrome glass masks
    • Mask size: 5 inch x 5 inch, mask blanks supplied by VINSE
    • Dark field and bright field masks available
    • Printed by VINSE Cleanroom Staff
  • Supported photoresists:
    • AZ 1518
    • Shipley S1805
    • Shipley 1813
    • NR9 1000PY
    • mr-DWL-40
    • SPR 220 4.5
    • SPR 220 7.0
  • Automated and manual focusing options
  • Focal depth: 6 μm
  • Automated edge detection, structure detection, and manual alignment for multilayer patterns
  • Input file types: gds, dxf, bmp, cif, or gbr
  • Light source: 405 nm laser (class 1 in tool enclosure)


  • VINSE Cleanroom

    VINSE Cleanroom

    Dr. Ben Schmidt, Manager

    Dr. Christina McGahan
    Megan Dernberger

    • 111 Engineering Science Building