Four-Point Probe

Ossila T2001A


Four Point Probe

The Ossila Four Point Probe system is a tool for the rapid measurement of sheet resistance, resistivity, and conductivity of materials.  The four point probe can deliver currents from the 10μA range to the 100mA range and measure a wide range of voltages, enabling characterization of a wide range of materials.  The probe head contacts are spring-loaded, preventing damage to delicate samples like polymer films while providing good electrical contact.  The Ossila Sheet Resistance Measurement Software is used to control the measurements.  The software calculates appropriate geometrical correction factors for the given sample geometry, ensuring accurate measurements of sheet resistance.  The software can also calculate the resistivity and conductivity of the sample if the thickness is provided.


  • Tip spacing: 1.27 mm
  • Tip type: Gold, rounded tip (suitable for soft materials, may not be suitable for hard materials with surface oxides)


  • VINSE Cleanroom

    VINSE Cleanroom

    Dr. Ben Schmidt, Manager

    Dr. Christina McGahan
    Megan Dernberger

    • 111 Engineering Science Building