Dicing Saw



Dicing Saw

The DISCO DAD3220 dicing saw is a multifunctional tool for precise dicing of wafers of multiple material types from semiconductor to insulating.  The numerous functions allow for auto-alignment, auto-focus, and auto-kerf check functions for enhanced productivity.  An Ultron Systems UH114 tape applicator and Ultron Systems UH104-8 UV lamp system is used to secure the samples during dicing with UV-release tape. 


Dicing Saw
Ultron Systems UH104-8 UV lamp system (left) used to release the UV sensitive tape after dicing and Ultron Systems UH114 tape applicator (right) used to mount the sample to the dicing rings (center).
  • Workspace: 6-inch diameter cutting table
  • Maximum sample size: up to 6 inches diameter
  • Cutting parameters can be adjusted in X, Y, and Z directions
    • X-axis:
      • Cutting range - 160 mm
      • Cutting speed - 0.1-500 mm/s
    • Y-axis:
      • Cutting range - 162 mm
      • Index step - 0.0001 mm
      • Index position accuracy - 0.005/160 mm
    • Z-axis:
      • Max stroke - 32.2 (with 2 in diameter blades)
      • Moving resolution - 0.00005
      • Repeatability accuracy - 0.001
    • Theta-axis:
      • Max rotating angle - 320
    • Spindle:
      • Rated output - 1.5
      • Rated torque - 0.48
      • Revolution speed range - 3000-40000/min
  • Blades available: Z, R, V, KZ, MV
  • 5 kW spindle with shaft lock functions
  • Current materials with cutting recipes: silicon, glass, sapphire, quartz, GaN, fused silica
    • Samples can be patterned
    • More material recipes available upon request
Dicing Saw
Gold electrodes on a silicon wafer diced into 1 cm x 1 cm chips. Fabricated in the VINSE Cleanroom using the Karl Suss MA-6 Mask Aligner, the Angstrom Amod Multimode Deposition Chamber, and the DISCO DAD3220 Dicing Saw. (Xiaosi Zhang, Weiss Group; Megan Dernberger, VINSE)
Porous silicon sample used for optical biosensor substrates that can capture biomolecules. Fabricated in the VINSE Cleanroom with the AMMT MPSB 100 Porous Silicon Etching System and the DISCO DAD3220 Dicing Saw. Imaged in the VINSE Cleanroom using the Olympus BX51M Optical Microscope in the VINSE Cleanroom. (Huijin An, Weiss Group; Owen Meilander, Ebrish Group)


  • VINSE Cleanroom

    VINSE Cleanroom

    Dr. Ben Schmidt, Manager

    Dr. Christina McGahan
    Megan Dernberger

    • 111 Engineering Science Building