
Our Class 100/1000 cleanroom provides cutting-edge nanofabrication tools for the development of materials and integrated devices as well as microfluidic and nano-photonic systems.

Trained and authorized users perform a wide variety of nanofabrication activities under tightly controlled environmental conditions. Common chemicals and supplies are provided by VINSE, and technical staff are available for troubleshooting and assistance.

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Section Contents

Equipment Categories

User Fees

  • Cleanroom

    Base Rate (includes simultaneous usage of all tools) 

    • Vanderbilt personnel hourly rate: $35
    • VUMC, Fisk, TSU and Meharry hourly rate: $35
    • External universities & non-profit partners hourly rate: $39
    • Industry and external for-profit partners hourly rate: $65

    E-Beam Lithography (EBL) additional charge

    • Vanderbilt personnel hourly rate: $21
    • VUMC, Fisk, TSU and Meharry hourly rate: $21
    • External universities & non-profit partners hourly rate: $23
    • Industry and external for-profit partners hourly rate: $67
  • Professional Services
    Professional Services

    VINSE offers staff support for users who wish to use the facilities remotely. VINSE professional staff are able to perform your measurements, imaging, and analysis in your absence for a service fee.

    The VINSE undergraduate Tech Crew is also available to support many processes in the cleanroom without a service fee. To inquire about these services, please contact the VINSE administrative office.  

    Professional Staff Hourly Service Fees:

    • Internal: $50
    • External universities & non-profit partners hourly rate: $55
    • Industry and external for-profit partners hourly rate: $80

Facility Details

  • 30+ Fabrication and Characterization Tools

  • 10,000 Square Foot Facility

  • Class 100/1000

  • Material Deposition and Etch

  • Lithography and Mask Making

  • Processing and Packaging

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Processing Bays

There are two ISO 5 (Class 100) lithography bays with a combined area of 1100 ft2 plus a separate 250 ft2 ISO 6 (Class 1000) e-beam lithography (EBL) enclosure designed to noise criterion (NC) 25.

Two additional ISO 6 (Class 1000) bays totaling 1400 ft2 are utilized for deposition, etch and metrology activities.

Temperature and Humidity

Air temperature and moisture levels are controlled at at 68 +/- 2 C and 44 +/- 4 C relative humidity (RH), respectively, via a cleanroom-dedicated make-up air system. Central utilities for house and high-purity nitrogen, compressed dry air (CDA), process vacuum, process cooling water and type E-1 ASTM electronics and semiconductor grade water are provided along with solvent and corrosive exhaust systems that utilize point-of-use (POU) scrubbers for specialty gases.

Space Specs

The bay and chase design of the cleanroom totals approximately 10,000 sqft of floor space. The cleanroom has been designed with flexibility for adding future equipment and expanding and/or reconfiguring floor space including an area for converting 500 ft of chase area into a fifth processing bay.

Located on the main floor of the Vanderbilt ESB with floor-to-ceiling windows, the VINSE cleanroom design provides a safe and unique viewing experience for tours, outreach groups and casual observers from both inside and outside the building

Microfluidic Device
Plastic photolithography mask for microfluidics mixer devices where channel diameter and presence of teeth for increased mixing are changed between the four patterns. Fabricated using the Bungard Filmstar Photoplotter in the VINSE Cleanroom. (Christina McGahan, VINSE).
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