
  • Vanderbilt University

    REGISTER NOW: Microfluidic Device Fabrication

    Microfluidics devices are critical for understanding and controlling fluid flow on the micrometer scale. Applications include portable sensors for point-of-care analysis, particle and cell sorting, nanoparticle synthesis, and organ-on-chip systems. This short course will introduce the techniques behind the fabrication and testing of microfluidic devices through a blend of… Read More

    Jan. 18, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    New VINSE Faculty: Dr. Daniel Gonzales

    We are excited to welcome Dr. Daniel Gonzales as our newest VINSE faculty member! Dr. Gonzales is joining Vanderbilt’s Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Vanderbilt Brain Institute in January 2024. He attended university in his hometown of San Angelo, Texas and graduated from Angelo State University in 2013 with a BS in Physics. Read More

    Jan. 18, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    VINSE/BME Joint Seminar Dr. Valeria Milam 02/28/24

    Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering & Biomedical Engineering Seminar Dr. Valeria Milam Associate Professor and MSE Faculty Fellow Georgia Tech 02.28.24  | 12:20pm  |  5326 Stevenson Center Bio. Valeria Tohver Milam joined the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology as… Read More

    Jan. 9, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    Apply now for summer 2024 VINSE NSF-REU program in nanoscience and nanoengineering

    The Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE) focuses on interdisciplinary nanoscale research at the interface of chemistry, physics, biology and engineering. More than 50 faculty participants from the School of Engineering, College of Arts and Science, and the School of Medicine inspire students by creating an atmosphere of… Read More

    Jan. 2, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    Congratulations to Owen Meilander for completing the first 5 incentives for NanoGuides

    VINSE NanoGuides program is a new initiative launched in Fall 2023. This program formalizes the group of student volunteers who lead many of VINSE’s STEM outreach activities and now receive formal recognition for their passion for science outreach. Among all inaugural NanoGuides, Owen Meilander, a second-year Ph.D. student in… Read More

    Dec. 19, 2023

  • Vanderbilt University

    2023 Nanoday! Poster Award Winners

    Congratulations to the 2023 NanoDay! poster competition winners! The 23rd annual Nanoscience/Nanotechnology Forum attracted more than 250 registered attendees. In total 66 posters were presented during the event, including 3 high school students from the School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt or Research Experience for High School Students (REHSS) programs. The winners… Read More

    Dec. 14, 2023

  • Vanderbilt University

    2023 VINSE NanoDay! Jacket Drawing Winners

    Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 NanoDay! jacket drawing! This is the fourth year that attendees had the opportunity to win a VINSE jacket, and it has quickly become a highly anticipated part of the event. Check out this year’s winners below! De-en Jiang (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) Adam… Read More

    Dec. 13, 2023

  • Vanderbilt University

    2023 NanoDay t-shirt design winner: Parker Friedli

    Congratulations to Parker Friedli, winner of the 2023 NanoDay! t-shirt design competition. Parker Friedli is a sophomore majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Digital Fabrication. She joined VINSE as a tech crew in the Fall of 2023. The winning designer receives a $300 cash prize. Prior winners:… Read More

    Dec. 13, 2023

  • Vanderbilt University

    VINSE 2024 Calendar

    Download a copy of your VINSE 2024 Calendar. Members of the VINSE community can still request a complimentary printed copy of the calendar by clicking here (deadline 12.14.23). Here’s a quick trip down memory lane for VINSE in 2023: Organized 1st annual VINSE Community Picnic with more than 200 registered… Read More

    Dec. 12, 2023

  • Vanderbilt University

    Spotlight Publication: “Sensing Mucus Physiological Property In Situ by Wireless Millimeter-Scale Soft Robots” published in Advanced Functional Materials

    About the authors: The first author is Boyang Xiao, a second-year Ph.D. student under the supervision of Prof. Xiaoguang Dong in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The co-authors also include a group of Mechanical Engineering undergraduate students. In their recent work published in Advanced Functional Materials, the team… Read More

    Dec. 5, 2023