
  • Vanderbilt University

    Summer 2024 Short Courses

    VINSE offers a variety of short courses each year to provide attendees opportunities to advance their skills and knowledge about topics relevant to a technical community. Attendance is open to all interested parties and is not limited to Vanderbilt personnel or VINSE users. Atomic Force Microscopy AFM is an advanced… Read More

    Feb. 28, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    “Spin Coating Photoactive Photosystem I−PEDOT:PSS Composite Films” published in ACS Applied Polymer Materials, selected as VINSE Spotlight Publication

    About the author: Marc Nabhan, a 2023 PhD graduate from the Department of Chemical Engineering, successfully defended his dissertation under the guidance of Dr. Kane Jennings. Currently serving as the co-founder and CEO of Optomar Technologies, Marc leads the development of a metabolic rate sensor designed for precise calorie… Read More

    Feb. 21, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    Dissertation Defense: Jeremy Espano, Interdisciplinary Materials Science

    DISSERTATION DEFENSE Jeremy Espano, Interdisciplinary Materials Science *under the direction of Janet Macdonald “Understanding the Crystalline Landscape of Metal Chalcogenide Materials” 03.01.24  |  2:30PM CST  |  214 Light Hall | The identity and arrangement of atoms determine the properties of all crystalline solids, and when the identity of the atoms is the… Read More

    Feb. 20, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    Spotlight Publication: “Engineering endosomolytic nanocarriers of diverse morphologies using confined impingement jet mixing” published in Nanoscale

    Co-first author Hayden Pagendarm is a 4th year PhD student in Biomedical Engineering program advised by Dr. John T. Wilson. His research is focused on the development of novel technologies to induce antigen-specific immune tolerance, with a focus on engineered proteins and extracellular vesicles. Co-first author Payton Stone is… Read More

    Feb. 15, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    Dissertation Defense: Alexandra Koziel, Chemistry

    DISSERTATION DEFENSE Alexandra C. Koziel, Chemistry *under the direction of Janet Macdonald “Think Smaller: Understanding Selenium Pathways in Metal Chalcogenide Nanocrystal Synthesis” 03.07.24  |  2:00PM CST  |  512 Light Hall As nanochemistry grows as a field and the applications of nanomaterials emerge, the importance of understanding what happens in the reaction… Read More

    Feb. 13, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    Dissertation Defense: Simon Ward, Electrical and Computer Engineering

    DISSERTATION DEFENSE Simon J. Ward, Electrical and Computer Engineering *under the direction of Sharon Weiss “Improving Biosensor Performance using Machine Learning and Signal Processing” 02.15.24  |  1:00PM CST  |  308 Featheringill Hall | Zoom ID: 935 9293 1256 The field of biosensing, encompassing the detection of harmful biological molecules in medical… Read More

    Feb. 12, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    Dissertation Defense: Lauren Wenger, Chemistry

    DISSERTATION DEFENSE Lauren E. Wenger, Chemistry *under the direction of Timothy Hanusa “Mechanochemical Exploration of the p-Block” 02.20.24  |  1:45PM CST  |  1220 MRBIII As environmental concerns over organic solvents rise and chemists become more aware of the interference solvents can play in reactions, solvent-free methods have grown in popularity, including… Read More

    Feb. 10, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    Spotlight Publication: “First principles insights into stability of defected MXenes in water” published in Nanoscale

    Haohong Song is a third year Ph.D. student from Interdisciplinary Materials Science program. His PI is Prof. De-en Jiang. They report on the interfacial chemistry between water and defected Ti3C2O2 MXene at room temperature using first principles molecular dynamics simulations. They investigate how defects such as O vacancy, Ti… Read More

    Feb. 9, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt engineering professor Joshua Caldwell elected SPIE Fellow

    Joshua Caldwell, a professor of mechanical engineering and director of Vanderbilt’s Interdisciplinary Materials Science (IMS) graduate program, has been elected to the grade of Fellow of SPIE. Fellows are Members of distinction who have made significant scientific and technical contributions in the multidisciplinary fields of optics, photonics, and imaging. Dr. Read More

    Feb. 9, 2024

  • Vanderbilt University

    VINSE Spring 2024 Newsletter

    The Spring 2024 edition of the VINSE Nano News is out now! This issue features the following stories: A Note From The Director Welcome New VINSE Faculty New Tools Highlight VINSE Analytical Lab & Cleanroom Open House Apply now for Summer 2024 Tech Crew Researcher Highlights VINSE Community Picnic Spring Short… Read More

    Jan. 30, 2024