Meet Our Graduates

  • Vanderbilt University

    Meet Our Graduates: Anna Douglas

    While at Vanderbilt, Anna began her studies developing nanostructured materials that can improve the performance of energy storage devices including lithium and sodium ion batteries. Read More

    Jun. 22, 2023

  • Vanderbilt University

    Meet Our Graduates: Jun Li

    Jun Li earned his Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Materials Science at Vanderbilt University in 2016 under the supervision of Professor Charles Manning. Read More

    Sep. 2, 2022

  • Vanderbilt University

    Meet Our Graduates: Dhiraj Prasai

    During his PhD Dhiraj Prasai studied transport measurements of 2-D materials by making field effect transistor out of monolayer Graphene and MOS2. Read More

    Aug. 16, 2022

  • Vanderbilt University

    Meet Our Graduates: Judson Ryckman

    Judson Ryckman earned his PhD in Vanderbilt University Electrical and Computer Engineering at Vanderbilt University in 2013 under Prof. Sharon Weiss. Judson’s first exposure to academic research was through participation in a summer research experience for undergraduates which included regular use of  VINSE laboratories at their earlier location in Stevenson Center. Read More

    Jul. 6, 2022

  • Vanderbilt University

    Meet Our Graduates: Jason Bonacum

    Jason Bonacum earned his Ph. D. in Physics from Vanderbilt University in 2020 under the supervision of Professor Richard Haglund. His Ph. D. research focused on characterizing complex atomic structures in intercalated few-layer graphene using atomic-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy, which was performed in collaboration with the Advanced Microscopy Lab at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Read More

    May. 19, 2022

  • Vanderbilt University

    Meet Our Graduates: Gabriel LeBlanc

    Gabriel LeBlanc earned his PhD. from Vanderbilt University in 2010 under the direction of Dr. David Cliffel, studying how the biological nanomaterial Photosystem I in plants could be incorporated into solar cells. While at Vanderbilt, Gabriel took advantage of the analytical tools and collaborative environment enabled by Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE) to publish over 10 peer-reviewed articles as a co-author. Read More

    May. 6, 2022

  • Vanderbilt University

    Meet Our Graduates: Kate (Moyer) Vanderburgh

    Under the direction of Dr. Cary Pint, Kate (Moyer) Vanderburgh worked on sustainably engineering electrode materials and additives for energy storage systems. Read More

    Apr. 17, 2022

  • Vanderbilt University

    Meet Our Graduates: Manoj Sridhar

    Manoj earned his PhD in Physics in 2008 under the supervision of Profs Anthony Hmelo and Leonard Feldman. Manoj’s Ph.D. research studied fluid flow through nanoscale channels both experimentally and through molecular dynamics simulations. Through his work, Manoj gained technical expertise in a wide range of VINSE nanofabrication tools including electron beam lithography, scanning electron microscopy and focused ion beam microscopy. Read More

    Apr. 6, 2022

  • Vanderbilt University

    Meet Our Graduates: Sara Winn

    Sara Winn, Ph.D. (Melow) received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from Vanderbilt University in June of 2021 under the supervision of Dr. David Cliffel. While at Vanderbilt, she received the T32 training grant in Environmental Toxicology. Her research focused on electrochemical biosensors for use in combination with organs-on-chips, collaborating internally and externally to apply these sensors. Read More

    Mar. 25, 2022

  • Vanderbilt University

    Meet Our Graduates: Patrick Wellborn

    Patrick Wellborn received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Vanderbilt University in January of 2021 under the supervision of Dr. Robert Webster III. In the summer of 2014, VINSE served as Patrick’s first introduction to both Vanderbilt and research in general. Read More

    Feb. 3, 2022