Sarah Ross

  • Class project leads to a paper in peer reviewed international journal

    Class project leads to a paper in peer reviewed international journal

    When a research idea is offered to a multidisciplinary class and it results in a journal paper that advances science and creates new scholars, that’s a terrific success. “And, it’s about as collaborative as you can get when graduate and undergraduate students in chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and chemistry take… Read More

    Mar. 10, 2020

  • Collaboration with VINSE faculty member Sok Pantelides featured in Nature Materials

    Collaboration with VINSE faculty member Sok Pantelides featured in Nature Materials

    Discovery in ferroelectric material reveals unique property, promising application potential A discovery from a team of physicists and other researchers is breaking new ground in the study of ferroelectricity, a characteristic of certain dielectric materials that are used in high-technology applications. The findings appear today in the journal Nature Materials. Read More

    Nov. 20, 2019

  • VINSE Deputy Director Jason Valentine named Vanderbilt faculty liaison with ORNL

    VINSE Deputy Director Jason Valentine named Vanderbilt faculty liaison with ORNL

    The Oak Ridge National Laboratory collaboration with Vanderbilt University will grow stronger through a new faculty liaison—a School of Engineering professor—and enhanced management of travel assistance awards. Jason Valentine, associate professor of mechanical and electrical engineering, is the new faculty liaison and will carry on the collaborations established by Carlos Lopez,… Read More

    Nov. 20, 2019

  • Clare McCabe elected Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers

    Clare McCabe elected Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers

    Clare McCabe, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Engineering, has been elected as a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). She was recognized today at the 2019 AIChE annual meeting in Orlando, Florida. Fellow is the highest grade of membership awarded by the AICHE and is achieved only through election by… Read More

    Nov. 15, 2019

  • VINSE Fall 2019 Newsletter

    VINSE Fall 2019 Newsletter

    VINSE is pleased to announce the launch of a new newsletter — You will find the following topics covered in this edition: VINSE pilot funding Acknowledgement text for publications that include work in VINSE facilities Facility tour policy VINSE conference room available for booking New and updated capabilities in core… Read More

    Oct. 11, 2019

  • More than 500 students participating in the VINSE High School Field Trip Program

    More than 500 students participating in the VINSE High School Field Trip Program

    26 Middle Tennessee High Schools representing 17 Middle TN counties have signed up to participate in the VINSE high school field trip program. Groups of up to 20 from each school will to visit our facilities, perform an experiment, utilize our electron microscope, and learn about nanotechnology and energy during a day… Read More

    Oct. 10, 2019

  • Kelsey Hatzell wins the ECS Toyota 2019-2020 Fellowship.

    Kelsey Hatzell wins the ECS Toyota 2019-2020 Fellowship.

    Kelsey Hatzell, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is one of five recipients of an Electrochemical Society Toyota 2019-2020 Young Investigator Fellowship awarded this year for projects in green energy technology. The fellowship is a partnership between the ECS and Toyota Research Institute of North America, a division of… Read More

    Sep. 18, 2019

  • 2019 NanoDay! Poster Competition

    2019 NanoDay! Poster Competition

    $500 1st place  (1 award) $250 2nd place (2 awards) $100 3rd place  (3 awards) The Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering and the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Materials Science are pleased to co-host the 20th Annual Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Forum.  This forum brings together Vanderbilt scientists and… Read More

    Aug. 27, 2019

  • VINSE Pilot/Feasibility Studies – Funding Available

    VINSE Pilot/Feasibility Studies – Funding Available

    Funding is being made available by VINSE on a competitive basis to provide Vanderbilt investigators the opportunity to utilize VINSE tools to obtain preliminary results for new research initiatives prior to submitting grant applications. Applications from new users interested in demonstrating the feasibility of a new process or measurement are… Read More

    Aug. 23, 2019

  • Weiss wins Chancellor’s Award for Research

    Weiss wins Chancellor’s Award for Research

    Sharon Weiss was one of seven Vanderbilt professors who won a Chancellor’s Award for Research at the Fall Faculty Assembly Aug. 22. This award recognizes excellence in works published or presented in the last three calendar years. Honorees each receive $2,000 and an engraved julep cup. Weiss, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor… Read More

    Aug. 23, 2019