New Nanomanipulation and Nanolithography Capabilities on AFM

VINSE has integrated the advanced NanoMan software on the Bruker which significantly enhances the functionality of the Dimension Icon Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). This upgrade introduces cutting-edge capabilities for nanomanipulation and nanolithography, expanding the scope of applications for nanoscale manipulation in both air and liquid environments.

With NanoMan, users can now perform a range of sophisticated operations, including:

  • Object Manipulation: Push objects on a surface for strategic placement of nanoparticles or to construct new structures with nanoscale resolution.
  • Directed Cutting: Apply controlled forces to precisely cut or scratch structures.
  • Nanolithography and Pattern Creation: Create patterns of oxidized silicon and other materials by maintaining an electrostatic potential at the probe tip while traversing a path. Pattern the surfaces using specialized nanolithography commands.

The software offers both real-time and programmed command options, allowing for intricate probing of samples between imaging scans. Researchers are encouraged to try this new, versatile toolset for advanced surface modification and imaging at the nanoscale. Please contact Dmitry Koktysh for more information.

VINSE recently demonstrated the new nanolithography capabilities of the AFM by making what we believe to be the world’s smallest image of Cornelius Vanderbilt with a height of only 3.5 nanometers. The sample with this image was included as part of the Vanderbilt Sesquicentennial time capsule recently interred in the cornerstone of Kirkland Hall. This time capsule will be opened in the year 2174.

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