8 Students From Waverly High School Join Cleanroom Microfluidics Lab Today

Waverly High School 2

How differences in designs can alter the behavior of the fluid? On Wednesday March 27, VINSE welcomed 8 students from Waverly High School to our Cleanroom Microfluidics Lab. They went inside the VINSE cleanroom, home of the cleanest air in middle Tennessee, and found out with hands-on activities! The students stenciled with light to pattern a mold for hair-thin pipes, put together flexible pipes to make microfluidic devices, and examined how liquid in the devices flows using the same tools and techniques as industry and academic researchers. They also designed, made, and tested their own custom paper microfluidic devices.

Special thanks to VINSE NanoGuides TuanKhai Nguyen, Chris Boyd, Alexandria Carter, Haley Dishman, for making this event engaging!

If your school is interested in this hands-on learning opportunity, please contact vinse@vanderbilt.edu for more information.