VINSE Colloquium Series: Dr. Chunsheng Wang, 10/18/23



Dr. Chunsheng Wang
University of Maryland, College Park

Electrolyte Design for Li-ion and Li Metal Batteries

10.18.23   |   4:10PM

The energy density, safety, and cycle life of batteries are critical for electric vehicles (EV), electric aviation, and renewable energy storage. However, current Li-ion batteries still cannot simultaneously meet all the requirements for these applications. We developed non-flammable fluorinated organic electrolytes, water-in-salt electrolytes, and solid-state electrolytes to enhance the energy density, safety, and cycle life of the Li batteries. The electrolyte design principle for high-capacity anodes and high-voltage cathodes will be discussed.

Dr. Chunsheng Wang is a Robert Franklin and Frances Riggs Wright Distinguished Chair Professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Maryland. He is an associate editor of ACS Applied Energy Materials and UMD Director of The UMD-ARL Center for Research in Extreme Battery.  His research focuses on reachable batteries and fuel cells. He has published more than 350 papers. His work has been cited more than 63,000 times with an H-index of 134. He has been listed as a Highly Cited Researcher since 2018 by Clarivate, and received the 2021 Battery Division Research Award from The Electrochemical Society. He is a Fellow of the The Electrochemical Society.

Host: De-en Jiang