IMS hosts Open House for prospective students

imspic2IMS hosted an Open House on Sunday, March 5 and Monday, March 6. Overall, 8 exceptional students visited from all over the US, with three other acceptances delivered to students overseas. The students visited with various IMS faculty, toured Vanderbilt’s campus, saw the cleanroom and were able to meet an exceptional graduate of the program, Anh Hoang of the Jana Care, who gave a lecture on how the IMS program prepared her for her career. Thank you, Anh! A big thank you also goes out to Lexi Yates, Jeremy Espano, Huijin An, Trey Long, Matthew Vasuta, Kellen Arnold, and Elena Kovalik for helping us welcome and host the students!

IMS hopes to welcome the following students this fall –

  • Jeb Buchner, Auburn University
  • Emily Byrum, Arizona State University
  • Siyang Li, Northwestern University, Nankai University
  • Jack Loken, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Daphne Lucana, Cornell University
  • Elizabeth McGrew, Murray State University
  • Johanna Pearson, Case Western Reserve University
  • Jonathan Sepulveda, Stanford University



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