Inaugural VU-ORNL Collaborative Workshop on November 21st

The first VU-ORNL collaborative workshop on nanoscience will be held on Monday, Nov. 21, 2022 in the Engineering and Science Building. 12 distinguished ORNL staff scientists and 10 Vanderbilt faculty will speak at the event which focuses on the most exciting current research and near future opportunities in nanoscience for energy and the environment. Faculty, graduate students, and postdocs are welcome to register and attend- please register here. The schedule for the event can be found below.

Inaugural VU-ORNL Collaborative Workshop on Nanoscience

VU organizers: De-en Jiang, Jason Valentine, Sharon Weiss, Sokrates Pantelides

ORNL organizers: Valentino Cooper, Santa Jansone-Popova, Naresh Osti


7:30-8:30am Breakfast; meet and greet


Introduction and Overview; Chair: De-en Jiang

8:30-8:40am Philippe Fauchet: Opening remarks

8:40-8:50am Sharon Weiss: Overview of the Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE)

8:50-9:00am John McLean: Overview of the Department of Chemistry at Vanderbilt


Session I: Materials Computation and Discovery; Chair: Jason Valentine

9:00-9:20am Valentino Cooper: From oxides to polymers: First principles materials design and discovery

9:20-9:40am Sokrates Pantelides: Chasing energy materials at the level of electrons and atoms

9:40-10:00am Panchapakesan Ganesh: Harnessing anharmonicity and electron correlations for energy efficient computing


Coffee break: 10:00 – 10:30am


Session II: Batteries, Photonics, and Phonons; Chairs: Valentino Cooper; Sharon Weiss

10:30-10:50am Jason Valentine: Batteries meet metasurfaces: energy efficient reconfigurable optics

10:50-11:10am Chelsea Chen: Polymer-ceramic composite electrolyte for high energy lithium batteries

11:10-11:30am Josh Caldwell: Exploring the role of anisotropy and strong coupling in driving infrared nanophotonics

11:30-11:50am Gabriel Veith: What is the aprotic electrochemical double layer?

11:50-12:10pm Deyu Li: Energy transport through low dimensional and polar nanowires


Lunch break: 12:10 – 1:20pm (lunch will be provided to all speakers and workshop registrants)


Session III: Advanced Techniques; Chairs: Sok Pantelides; Piran Kidambi

1:20-1:40pm Raymond Unocic: Advancing in situ/operando S/TEM for elucidating nanoscale transformation mechanisms and kinetics

1:40-2:00pm Petro Maksymovych: Phase transitions through the looking glass: Direct nanoscale probes of superconductivity and ferroelectricity

2:00-2:20pm Naresh Osti: Neutron study of microscopic dynamics of confined fluids of energy applications

2:20-2:40pm An-Ping Li: Quest for structure-property relationships down to the atomic scale via scanning tunneling microscopy


Session IV: Chemical Transformations and Interfaces; Chair: Santa Jansone-Popova

2:40-3:00pm Tomonori Saito: Closed-loop circularity of plastics by chemical upcycling

3:00-3:20pm Kane Jennings: Interfacing photosynthetic proteins with conducting polymers for biohybrid solar energy conversion

3:20-3:40pm Zili Wu: Catalytic insights into hydrogen production and utilization through new materials and tools


Coffee break: 3:40 – 4:10pm


Session V: Chemical Separations and Membranes; Chairs: Naresh Osti; De-en Jiang

4:10-4:30pm Santa Jansone-Popova: Searching for perfect match: harnessing weak interactions and size complementarity in ion separation

4:30-4:50pm Shihong Lin: Li+/Mg2+ separation using nanofiltration

4:50-5:10pm Zhenzhen Yang: CO2 capture and conversion: Ionic liquids, porous liquids, and two-dimensional nanomaterials

5:10-5:30pm Piran Kidambi: Atomically thin membranes: Fundamentals at the extremes of lengths scales for disruptive innovation

5:30pm Concluding remarks and adjourn