VINSE NSF-REU Poster Session Winners

Faculty, post-docs, graduate and undergraduate students engaged in nanoresearch at Vanderbilt and partner institutions attended the 2021 VINSE NSF REU Summer Research Poster on Thursday, August 5, 2021. Posters were evaluated by both a panel of judges and the virtual poster session attendees for an opportunity to win travel grants to support the cost of presenting posters at a National Conference. The winners are:

Best overall – $1,000 travel grant
Alessia Williams, Prairie View A&M University (Jennings)
“Photoelectrochemical Polymerization of Pyrrole by Photosystem I”

Best overall – $1,000 travel grant
Thiago Arnaud, Florida International University (Caldwell)
“Multi-spectral Thermal Imaging with Inversely Designed Optical Filters for Material Recognition”

Best layout
Amber Cui, Vanderbilt University (Lippmann)
“Isolation of Rodent Microglia to assess Gene Silencing and Drug Targeting”

Best use of graphics
Brooke DeMarco, Vanderbilt University (Rosenthal)
“Tracking Individual Endogenous Dopamine Transporters Using Antagonist-Conjugated Quantum Dots”

Fan Favorite
Mina Aziz, Vanderbilt University (Wilson)
“Polymersome formation via flash nanoprecipitation induces immunological activity to improve cancer immunotherapy”

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