Congratulations 2020 Graduates

VINSE would like to congratulate all of the 2020 Vanderbilt graduates, especially those associated with VINSE.  These students carried out research within our facilities, were members of our VINSE Tech Crew/office staff or participated in NanoDay! and colloquia events.  Although we can’t celebrate in person, we wish you all the best as you begin then next phase of your career.

VINSE Undergraduate Staff

Bachelor of Arts
Gloria Eunyoung Choi (Neuroscience)
Danielle Andrea Adelene Richardson (Medicine, Health & Society and Political Science)

Bachelor of Engineering
Saar Dolev (Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering)
Patia Fann (Electrical Engineering)
Rayni Jules (Electrical Engineering)
Justin E. Mollison (Biomedical Engineering)

VINSE Partners:

Master of Science
Thomas Allen Stilson (Mechanical Engineering)

Bachelor of Arts
Nicholas Alexander Bergeron (Mathematics)
Peyton Floyd Brown (Physics)
Richard Jeffrey Fu (Neuroscience)
Rachel Elizabeth Miles (Oboe Performance)
Steve Sungik Park, Honors in Chemistry (Chemistry)

Bachelor of Engineering
Osama Assal (Mechanical Engineering)
Abigail Grace Wilder Ayers (Biomedical Engineering)
Sophie Baillargeon (Biomedical Engineering)
Michael Barkan (Chemical Engineering)
David Benjamin Blum, cum laude (Chemical Engineering and Mathematics)
Kacie Carae Breeding, cum laude, Honors in Biomedical Engineering (Biomedical Engineering)
Rhett Joseph Britton (Biomedical Engineering)
Clare Maura Broderick (Biomedical Engineering)
Matthew Prasad Burruss, summa cum laude (Computer Engineering)
Yuelin Deng (Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering)
James Alexander Dohm, summa cum laude, Honors in Chemical Engineering (Chemical Engineering)
Jude Sundar Franklin (Biomedical Engineering)
Chet Simons Friday (Biomedical Engineering)
Avi Gargye (Chemical Engineering)
Tristan Alexander Gilbert, cum laude (Mechanical Engineering)
Xinyi He (Chemical Engineering)
Mohammad Ahsanul Kabir, Honors in Electrical Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
Connor Krolak, cum laude, Honors in Electrical Engineering (Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering)
John Lee (Biomedical Engineering)
Jonah Levine, cum laude (Chemical Engineering)
Danielle Dan-le Liu (Biomedical Engineering)
Matthew Kenneth MacDonald (Mechanical Engineering)
Joshua Carroll Meyer (Biomedical Engineering)
Dalton Jay Nelson, summa cum laude (Biomedical Engineering)
Cong Quoc Bao Nguyen, Honors in Computer Engineering (Computer Engineering)
Dinh Chuong Nguyen (Chemical Engineering)
Gregory Louis Ridgel, Jr. (Biomedical Engineering and Spanish)
James Rushton (Chemical Engineering)
Daniel Tomas Ryan, magna cum laude, Honors in Computer Engineering (Computer Engineering)
Kevis Tsao (Computer Engineering)

Bachelor of Science
Paolo V. Dumancas (Engineering Science)

Master of Science
Steven M. Alves (Chemical Engineering)
Andrew Venegas Feigley (Pharmacology)
Mariia Gorchichko (Electrical Engineering)

Master of Arts
Thayer Storm Walmsley (Physics)

Doctor of Philosophy
Sean K. Bedingfield (Biomedical Engineering)
Casey Brock (Interdisciplinary Materials Science)
Kofi Shomari Shakir Christie (Environmental Engineering)
Nathaniel Johnson Freymeyer (Chemistry)
Austin Allyn Howes (Physics)
Meredith Allyn Jackson (Biomedical Engineering)
Kameron V. Kilchrist (Biomedical Engineering)
Michael Wade Lampley (Chemistry)
Kathleen Elizabeth Moyer (Interdisciplinary Materials Science)
Kelsay Elizabeth Neely (Mechanical Engineering)
Jordan Marcus Rhodes (Chemistry)
Evan Hojer Robinson (Chemistry)
Lucas Benjamin Thal (Chemistry)
Talitha Marie VanWie (Chemistry)
Li Wang (Environmental Engineering)
Mesut Yilmaz (Electrical Engineering)
Xin Zhang (Mechanical Engineering)

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