Sokrates Pantelides honored with 2019 Award for International Scientific Cooperation

BEIJING, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) - China's top science academy honored three foreign scientists
from the Netherlands, the United States and Germany for their contributions in Sino-foreign
research cooperation Thursday in Beijing.

Bai Chunli, president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), conferred the Academy's
Award for International Scientific Cooperation to Dutch astronomer Richard Gordon Strom,
American physicist Sokrates Theodore Pantelides and German environmental scientist
Ewald Schnug.

Professor Strom has cooperated with the CAS for about 30 years. He is the only foreign
expert participating in the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST)
project in China.

Apart from his contributions to the project's pre-research, establishment and construction,
Strom promotes the Academy to cooperate with the global radio astronomy community and
helps train Chinese researchers.

Pantelides is a professor of Vanderbilt University in the United States and a pioneer in the
field of semiconductor physics. Over the past two decades, he has carried out substantive
cooperation with the CAS in developing new low dimensional materials.

According to Pantelides, the award is a recognition of a partnership that can provide a
multifaceted outreach between the Chinese and American scientific communities.
Ewald Schnug is a German researcher in soil and environmental science. He has worked
with the Academy for more than 20 years, bringing advanced fertilizer processing
technology into China.

Launched in 2007, the CAS award has been given to 37 foreign scientists. Many of the
winners also received China's national award for international cooperation in science and

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