VINSE Pilot/Feasibility Studies – Funding Available

Funding is being made available by VINSE on a competitive basis to provide Vanderbilt investigators the opportunity to utilize VINSE tools to obtain preliminary results for new research initiatives prior to submitting grant applications. Applications from new users interested in demonstrating the feasibility of a new process or measurement are encouraged, and all necessary staff support will be provided. Typical awards range from a total of $500 to $2000 for up to 6 months on a fiscal year basis with all funds dedicated to VINSE user fees. Proposals will be judged based on scientific merit, likelihood for success, and the potential impact VINSE will have on the project. The number of awarded projects is subject to the availability of funds. Proposals are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed at the end of each month.

To apply for funding for pilot/feasibility studies, please submit an application here. Application requires a 1 page description of the proposed work to be carried out in VINSE facilities stating the objective of the work. Include the primary scientific or technological questions to be addressed and clearly identify which aspects of the project will be carried out in VINSE facilities and metrics for the success of those activities.

These funds are provided by Vanderbilt’s Trans-Institutional Program TIPs. Learn about TIPs by visiting its website.

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