2019 Summer Nanoseminar Schedule

2019 Summer Nanoseminar Schedule

The VINSE summer nanoseminar series provides an opportunity for graduate students or post-docs to share their current research with the larger VINSE community to foster discussion and collaboration.  Each seminar will consist of 2 talks of 15-20 minutes each with 10-15 minutes of questions.  The goal of these talks is to discuss and challenge the work being presented in order to promote a healthy debate.

The 2019 Summer Nanoseminar schedule has been organized by
– Kathleen Moyer, Interdisciplinary Materials Science, Pint Group
– Ryan Nolen, Interdisciplinary Materials Science, Caldwell Group

Seminars will be held in 5326 Stevenson Center from 12:00-1:00

May 31, 2019
Murt Zohair – Pint Group
“A Prussian Blue Yarn for Biomechanical Energy Harvesting & Self-Powered Motion Sensing in Textiles”
Sean Bedingfield – Duvall Group
“Polymer Carriers for Small Molecule & siRNA Delivery for Treating Osteoarthritis”

June 7, 2019
Sam White – Haglund Group
“Phase Transitions in Low-Aspect-Ratio VO2 Microcrystals”
Parashara Shamaprasad – McCabe Group
“Simulation Study of Stratum Corneum Lipids”

June 14, 2019
Wahid Zaman – Hatzell Group
“Tracking the Percolated Network in Hybrid Solid electrolytes via Synchrotron X-Ray Nanotomography”
You Zhou – Valentine Group
“Flat Optics Based on Metasurfaces”

June 21, 2019
Matt Thompson – Cummings Group
“Computational Screening of Novel Electrolytes: Relationships Between Ion Structure & Transport”
Joseph Matson – Caldwell Group
“Crystalline Hybrids – Designing New Infrared Optical Materials”

June 28, 2019
Janna Eaves – Pint Group
“Toward Anode-Free Magnesium Batteries”
Jenna Mosier – Reinhart-King Group
“Soft Lithography and Micromolding Techniques to Recapitulate the Tumor Microenvironment In Vitro”

July 12, 2019
Sam Halimi – Weiss Group
Selective Deposition of VO2 on a Photonic Crystal Nanobeam for Enhanced Modulation”
Cara Bradsher – Rosenthal Group
“Inducing Ferroelectric Properties in Semiconductor Nanocrystals through Cation Exchange”

July 19, 2019
Chris Stachurski – Cliffel Group
“Design of carbon nanomaterials for the improvement of PSI-based biohybrid devices”
Chris Haycook – Giorgio Group
“Development and Characterization of CD4+ T Cell Targeting Nanoparticles for Therapeutic Delivery of Immunomodulatory Drugs”

July 26, 2019
Alice Leach – VINSE Cleanroom
“VINSE Cleanroom – Microfabrication and More”
Evan Glass – Giorgio Group
“Balancing Copper-Induced Cytotoxicity with Conjugation Efficiency in “Click” Chemistry of Polymeric Nanoparticles”

August 2, 2019  (Note, this seminar will be held in Featheringill Hall room 134)
Fabian Chibuzor Ugwu – Valentine Group
“Dynamic Modulation through Electrochemical Intercalation”
Kody Wolfe – Jennings & Cliffel Groups
“Photosystem I – Porous Indium Tin Oxide Cathodes for Biohybrid Photoelectrochemical Cells”

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