2018 Summer Nanoseminar Schedule

The VINSE summer nanoseminar series provides an opportunity for graduate students or post-docs to share their current research with the larger VINSE community to foster discussion and collaboration.  Each seminar will consist of 2 talks of 15-20 minutes each with 10-15 minutes of questions.  The goal of these talks is to discuss and challenge the work being presented in order to promote a healthy debate.

The 2018 Summer Nanoseminar schedule has been organized by
– Andrew Tonigan, Interdisciplinary Materials Science, Schrimpf Group
– Frances Afzal, Electrical Engineering, Weiss Group

Seminars will be held in 5326 Stevenson Center from 12:00-1:00

June 8, 2018
Tom Folland – Caldwell Group
Manipulating the Infrared with Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Yu-Chuan “May” Ou – Bardhan Group
Multimodal Multiplexed Immunoimaging in vivo with Gold Nanoantennas

June 15, 2018
Naiya Soetan – BardhanGroup
Impact of Composition & Shape on the Ultrafast Spectral Dynamics of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals
Simeng Zhao – Fleetwood Group
Gate Bias and Length Dependences of Total-Ionizing-Dose Effects in InGaAs FinFETs on bulk Si

June 22, 2018
Lin Yang – Li Group
Distinct Signature of Electron-Phonon Coupling in Lattice Thermal Conductivity due to Charge Density Waves in Quasi-1D NbSe3 Nanowires
Austin Howes – Valentine Group
Dynamic Transmission Control Based on All-Dielectric Huygens Metasurfaces

June 29, 2018
Marm Dixit – Hatzell Group
Seeing is Believing: X-Ray Tomography Studies of Ceramic Solid Electrolytes for Solid-State Battery Applications
Sebastian Zuluaga – Pantelides Group
Novel Pd2Se3 Two-Dimensional Phase Driven by Interlayer Fusion in Layered PdSe2

July 13, 2018
Dr. Alice Leach 
New Capabilities in the VINSE Cleanroom
Dr. Douglas Heimburger
Research Opportunities through the Vanderbilt-Emory-Cornell-Duke Consortium for Global Health Fellows (VECDor) Program

July 20, 2018
Dr. Zhenjiang “Jason” Zhang – King Group
Nanoscale Constructs to Functionalize White Blood Cells with Anti-Cancer Therapeutics
Kent Hallman – Haglund Group
Picosecond Switching in a Silicon Waveguide Structure

July 27, 2018
Jacob VanderBurgh – Reinhart-King Group
Substrate Stiffness Heterogeneities Dictate Endothelial Behavior in a Micropillar Model of Heterogeneous Vascular Stiffening
Ryan Nolen – Caldwell Group
Spectral Tuning of Localized Surface Plasmon Polariton-Epsilon Near Zero Hybrid Modes in Highly-Doped CdO Nanopillar Arrays

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