2016 NanoDay! T-shirt design competition underway

Graduate Student
NanoDay T-Shirt Design Competition!

2015 winning design

Goal: Create an attractive T-shirt design representing NanoDay and the Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering

Winning design will receive a cash prize of $300.00

  • The design must be exclusively your own and cannot include logos and trademark images
  • You can use any t-shirt color in your design
  • JPEG format (at least 300 dpi)
  • No limits to number of colors in design
  • No limits to number of submissions
  • Submissions must include name, phone number and email address
  • Send submissions to vinse@vanderbilt.edu (deadline September 26, 2016)

Click here for more information about the 17th Annual Nanoscience / Nanotechnology Forum