Carter, Hachtel and Slack win for best Oral & Poster Presentation at Annual Conference

Three VINSE graduate students received awards at the annual TN-SCORE conference held in Nashville, TN on June 18-19, 2015.

Rachel Carter and Jordan Hachtel tied for first place for best oral presentation.

Rachel is a Mechanical Engineering graduate student working under the direction of Professor Cary Pint, her talk was “Core/Shell Ni/Ni(OH)2 Foam for a High Performance Psuedocapacitor Electrode”.

Jordan a Physics graduate student working for Professor Sokrates Pantelides gave a presentation on “‘Understanding Optical Phenomena at the Nanoscale”

John Slack a Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering graduate student working under the direction of Professor Peter Pintauro won best poster award for his poster “Electrospun Nanofiber Fuel Cell MEAs with Pt-Alloy Cathode Catalyst”.

Each winner received a 13″ MacBook.