15th Annual Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Forum – NanoDay! Schedule of Events

15th Annual Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Forum

Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Nanoday! will be held in Stevenson Center 5211 from 2:10-3:25, and Featheringill Hall beginning at 3:35

Schedule of Events

2:15 – 2:25  Welcome Sharon Weiss, Electrical Engineering
2:25 – 2:45 Using a multi-electrode Pt array for concurrent in vivo electrochemical and electrophysiological recording in large mammals Anita Disney, Psychology
2:45 – 3:05 Nanoscale Electrochemical Interfaces David Cliffel, Chemistry
3:05 – 3:25 Dielectric metasurface analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency Yuanmu Yang, Graduate Student, Interdisciplinary Materials Science

3:25 – 4:10     POSTER SESSION
4:10 – 4:30 Molecular Engineering of Polymeric Nanoparticles for Immunomodulation John Wilson, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
4:30 – 4:50 Nanoscale Chemical Analysis Utilizing VINSE’s Tecnai Osiris James McBride, Chemistry/VINSE
4:50 – 5:30 POSTER SESSION
Device Applications of Metafilms and Metasurfaces, Mark Brongersma, Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials; Stanford University

Brongersma Abstract. Many conventional optoelectronic devices consist of thin, stacked films of metals and semiconductors. In this presentation, I will demonstrate how one can improve the performance of such devices by nano-patterning the constituent layers at length scales below the wavelength of light. The resulting metafilms and metasurfaces offer opportunities to dramatically modify the optical transmission, absorption, reflection, and refraction properties of devices. This is accomplished by encoding the optical response of nanoscale resonant building blocks into the effective properties of the films and surfaces. To illustrate these points, I will show how nanopatterned metal and semiconductor layers can be used to enhance the performance of solar cells, photodetectors, and enable new imaging technologies.

Brongersma Bio. Mark Brongersma is a Professor and Keck Faculty Scholar in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University. He leads a research team of ten students and four postdocs. Their research is directed towards the development and physical analysis of new materials and structures that find use in nanoscale electronic and photonic devices. His most recent work has focused on Si-based light-emitting materials, light sources, modulators, detectors, and metallic nanostructures that can manipulate and actively control the flow of light at the nanoscale. Brongersma has given over 50 invited presentations in the last 5 years on the topic of nanophotonics and plasmonics. He has also presented 6 tutorials at International conferences on these topics. He has authored\co-authored over 130 publications, including papers in Science, Nature Photonics, Nature Materials, and Nature Nanotechnology. He also holds a number of patents in the area of Si microphotonics and plasmonics. He received a National Science Foundation Career Award, the Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching, the International Raymond and Beverly Sackler Prize in the Physical Sciences (Physics) for his work on plasmonics, and is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America, the SPIE, and the American Physical Society. Dr. Brongersma received his PhD in Materials Science from the FOM Institute in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 1998. From 1998-2001 he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the California Institute of Technology.

Posters submissions

  1. Conjugation of Palmitic Acid Improves Potency and Longevity of siRNA Delivered via Endosomolytic Polymer Nanoparticles
    Presented by: Samantha Sarett, Biomedical Engineering (Duvall)
  2. Phase Dependent Visible to Near-Infrared Photoluminescence of CuInS2 Nanocrystals
    Presented by: Alice Leach, Interdisciplinary Materials Science(Macdonald)
  3. Simulation studies of the structural and thermotropic phase behavior of pure ceramide bilayers
    Presented by: Tim Moore, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (McCabe)
  4. MoS2/QD hybrids: platform for 0D/2D optoelectronic devices
    Presented by: Dhiraj Prasai, Interdisciplinary Materials Science (Bolotin)
  5. Enhanced Absorption in 2D Materials via Fano-Resonant Photonic Crystals
    Presented by: Wenyi Wang, Mechanical Engineering (Valentine)
  6. White Light-Emitting CdSe Nanocrystals: Applications in Solid State Lighting and Mechanical Sensing
    Presented by: Talitha Frecker, Chemistry (Rosenthal)
  7. Magnetophoretic Separation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in a Microfluidic Device
    Presented by: Sayali Belsare, Biomedical Engineering (Giorgio)
  8. Combinatorial Library of Ternary Polyplexes Enables Identification of Improved siRNA Nano-formulations
    Presented by: Thomas Werfel, Biomedical Engineering (Duvall)
  9. Surface Plasmon Interaction Studies on Hybrid Nanoparticles with Two Plasmonic Domains
    Presented by: Summer Arrowood, Chemistry (Macdonald)
  10. Solutions Assembled Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Foams: Superior Performance in Lithium Air Batteries
    Presented by: Rachel Carter, Mechanical Engineering (Pint)
  11. Tunable Transition from Hydration to Monomer – Supported Lubrication in Zwitterionic Monolayers
    Presented by: Christoph Klein, Chemical Engineering (Cummings/McCabe)
  12. Dielectric metareflectarray for broadband polarization conversion and optical vortex generation
    Presented by: Yuanmu Yang, Interdisciplinary Materials Science (Valentine)
  13. Correlated Atomic Structure and Photoluminescence from Individual Quantum Dots
    Presented by: Noah Orfield, Chemistry (Rosenthal)
  14. A Novel Platform Technology for Cytosolic Peptide Delivery with Endosomolytic Nanopolyplexes Applied to Vascular Graft Intimal Hyperplasia
    Presented by: Brian Evans, Biomedical Engineering (Duvall)
  15. Silicon Photonics for Biosensing and Reconfigurable Photonics Applications
    Presented by: Gilbert Rodriguez, Electrical Engineering (Weiss)
  16. Energetics of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides as Sodium Ion Battery
    Presented by: Keith Share, Interdisciplinary Materials Science (Pint)
  17. Nanostructured MoS2 electrodes for polysulfide reduction
    Presented by: Shane Finn, Chemistry (Macdonald)
  18. Metamaterial Perfect Absorber Based Hot Electron Photodetection
    Presented by: Wei Li, Mechanical Engineering (Valentine)
  19. Optical imaging tools for gene expression analysis in cancer cells
    Presented by: Alexis Wong, Chemistry (Wright)
  20. A nanoparticle-based model to guide therapeutic design for bacterial sepsis
    Presented by: Sinead Miller, Biomedical Engineering (Giorgio)
  21. Plasmon Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
    Presented by: Will Erwin, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (Bardhan)
  22. Generation of ferroelectric particles from CdSe quantum dots
    Presented by: Toshia Wrenn, Chemistry (Rosenthal)
  23. Memristance Phenomenon in Titanium Dioxide-Porous Silicon Nanocomposites
    Presented by: Suruj Deka, Electrical Engineering (Weiss)
  24. Thiols as ligands and sulfur sources: Capping ligands that are more than skin deep
    Presented by: Michael Turo, Chemistry (Macdonald)
  25. Functionalized surfaces to develop 3D-patterns for determining spatial resolution in Imaging Mass Spectrometry
    Presented by: Faizan Zubair, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (Laibinis/Caprioli)
  26. Investigating the Shear-Induced Wear of Alkylsilane Monolayers through Molecular Dynamics Simulation
    Presented by: Andrew Summers, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (McCabe/Cummings)
  27. Progress towards complete photocatalytic water splitting utilizing hybrid nanoparticles
    Presented by: Andrew La Croix, Chemistry (Macdonald)
  28. Synthesis and Magnetic Optimization of Gold-Plated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
    Presented by: Jasmine Greer, Biomolecular Engineering(Giorgio)
  29. Entropically dominated mechanics of graphene
    Presented by: Ryan Nicholl, Physics (Bolotin)
  30. Synthesis-mimetic Simulation of Nanoporous Carbon
    Presented by: Matt Thompson, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering (Cummings)
  31. Cavity-mode effects on exciton-plasmon coupling in ZnO/MgO core-shell nanowires decorated by Ag nanoparticles
    Presented by: Daniel Mayo, Interdisciplinary Materials Science (Haglund)
  32. Realization of All-Dielectric Metamaterial Perfect Reflectors
    Presented by: Parikshit Moitra, Interdisciplinary Materials Science (Valentine)
  33. All Optical Electric Field Induced Second Harmonic Generation
    Presented by: Rod Davidson, Physics (Haglund)

1st year IGPMS rotation posters submissions

  1. High Strain-Rate Mechanical Testing of TWIP/TRIP Steel [Fe-25Mn-3Al-3Si] and Characterization via Optical, EBSD/OIM, HRTEM & Chemi-STEM
    Presented by: Jake Benzing, Interdisciplinary Materials Science (Wittig)
  2. Using Mass Spectrometry to Elucidate Lipid Composition in Cholesterol-Depleted and cGMP-treated RN46A Cells
    Presented by: Danielle Bailey Interdisciplinary Materials Science (Rosenthal)
  3. Iron Pyrite Nanoparticles for Secondary Lithium Ion Batteries
    Presented by: Anna Sandberg, Interdisciplinary Materials Science (Pint)
  4. Hydroxyapatite scaffolds with 3D interconnected micro-channels for bone tissue engineering
    Presented by: Nitin Muralidharan, Interdisciplinary Materials Science (Bellan)
  5. A 3D Micro/Nanochannel network fabricated with sacrificial fibers for gene expression
    Presented by: Duhan Zhang, Interdisciplinary Materials Science (Bellan)


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