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Sean Berkowitz


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About the Presenter:

Sean Berkowitz graduated from Duke University in 2015 with a B.S. in Neuroscience.  He worked for a year at the National Institutes of Health as part of a post-baccalaureate intramural research award studying plasma-based neural exosomes as biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease.  Sean then matriculated to Vanderbilt University School of Medicine where he is currently completing his MD-MBA dual degree. At Vanderbilt, Sean cemented his interest in global health and Ophthalmology during a rotation at Aravind Eye Hospital in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.  He is passionate about ophthalmology research in cost-efficacy, biomarkers, and education. Sean is pursuing a residency in ophthalmology and hopes to integrate his interests with a career in global ophthalmology.