Heather Barnes Truelove
Postdoctoral Fellow
Vanderbilt Institute for Energy and Environment and Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation
- Ph.D., Experimental Psychology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
- M.A., General Psychology, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL
- B.S., Psychology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Professional Experience
- Adjunct Faculty, Hamilton Holt School, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL, 2008-2009
- Adjunct Faculty, Psychology Department, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL, 2004-2005
Research Interests
- Social psychology of proenvironmental behavior
- Attitudes, beliefs and perceptions of energy sources (especially nuclear)
- Climate change beliefs and risk perceptions
- Influences on performance of individual behaviors that mitigate climate change
- Household and farmer water and energy use behaviors in Sri Lanka
Research Projects
- Stakeholder understanding, attitudes and support for nuclear power and other energy sources
- Collaborators: Chuck Powers, Mike Greenberg (Rutgers University), Marc Weiner (Rutgers University), Joanna Burger (Rutgers University)
- Funding support: DOE cooperative agreement with CRESP
- Water, energy, and behavior in a changing climate in Sri Lanka
- Collaborators: Lanka Thabrew, Amanda Carrico, George Hornberger, Jim Fraser, and Jonathan Gilligan
- Climate Cognition Project
- Collaborators: Amanda Carrico, Michael Vandenbergh, Leslie Kirby, and Ken Wallston
- Influences on household and travel-related energy behaviors
- Collaborators: Craig Parks (Washington State University), Jeff Joireman (Washington State University), Blythe Duell (Southeastern Oklahoma State University)
Recent Publications
Truelove, H. B. & Greenberg, M. (accepted). Who has become more open to nuclear power because of climate change? Climatic Change.
Truelove, H. B. (accepted). Energy source perceptions and policy support: Image associations, emotional evaluations, and cognitive beliefs. Energy Policy.
Truelove, H. B. & Parks, C. D. (accepted). Perceptions of behaviors that cause and mitigate global warming and intention to perform these behaviors. Journal of Environmental Psychology.
Greenberg, M., Popper, F., & Truelove, H. B. (in press). Are LULUs still enduringly objectionable? Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.
Truelove, H. B. & Greenberg, M. (2011). Preferences for government investment in energy programs: Support for new energy production vs. energy conservation. Environmental Practice, 13, 184-197.
Greenberg, M., & Truelove, H. B. (2011). Energy choices and risk beliefs: Is it just global warming and fear of a nuclear power plant accident? Risk Analysis, 31, 819-831.
Greenberg, M., & Truelove, H. B. (2010). Right answers and right-wrong answers: Sources of information influencing knowledge of nuclear-related information. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 44, 130-140.
Joireman, J., Truelove, H. B., & Duell, B. (2010). Effect of outdoor temperature, heat primes, and anchoring on belief in global warming. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 30, 358-367.
Truelove, H. B., & Joireman, J. (2009). Understanding the relationship between Christian orthodoxy and environmentalism: The mediating role of perceived environmental consequences. Environment and Behavior, 41, 806-820.
Joireman, J., Posey, D., Truelove, H. B., & Parks, C. (2009). The environmentalist who cried drought: Reactions to repeated warnings about depleting resources under conditions of uncertainty. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 29, 181-192.
Manuscripts Under Review
Truelove, H. B. (2012). The role of efficacy in intention to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Self-efficacy, response efficacy, collective efficacy and collective response efficacy. Manuscript submitted for publication-revise and resubmit.
Recent presentations
Truelove, H. B., Greenberg, M. & Powers, C. W. (November 2010). Climate change beliefs and support for nuclear and other energy sources. Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change Conference. Sacramento, California.
Truelove, H. B., & Parks, C. (July 2010). An examination of the role of efficacy in intention to mitigate climate change: Self-efficacy, response efficacy, collective efficacy, and collective response efficacy. International Congress on Applied Psychology. Melbourne, Australia.
Truelove, H. B., & Parks, C. (February 2009). Global warming (mis)perceptions. Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Tampa, FL.
Truelove, H. B., & Parks, C. (June 2008). Will you do 10 things to stop global warming? Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Chicago, IL.