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Craig Philip, Ph.D.

Research Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Former Director, Vanderbilt Center for Transportation and Operational Resiliency (VECTOR)

Office: Room 277, Jacobs Hall

Address: Vanderbilt University
VU Station B-35 1831
Nashville, TN 37235-1831
Phone: (615)812-0300

Dr. Craig Philip is a Research Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Former Director of VECTOR.  Dr. Philip’s research focus includes infrastructure sustainability and the application of risk management tools to transportation systems, carrier safety management, and transport policy and regulation with a particular focus on Maritime Systems. Prior to joining Vanderbilt, Dr. Philip spent 35 years in the rail, intermodal and maritime industries, including Conrail and Southern Pacific Railroads. He joined Ingram Barge Company, the largest US marine transport carrier in 1982 and from 1999 until 2014 served as President/CEO.  He has served as Chairman of multiple Maritime Groups and was a US Commissioner of PIANC, and Chaired the US Chamber of Commerce’s Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Dr. Philip has served on the USDOT’s National Freight Advisory Committee and the Executive Committee of the Transportation Research Board and is presently a member of its Marine Board and Resilience Section.  He is a Board Certified member of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists.  In 2010, Dr. Philip was designated a Distinguished Diplomat in the Academy of Coastal, Ocean, Port and Navigation Engineers, and in 2014 was elected to the National Academy of Engineering.

Honors, Awards and Leadership

Certification by Eminence, AAEES (2016)

Receipt of Lifetime Achievement Award from Seamen’s Church Institute (2015)

Elected to National Academy of Engineering (2014)

Recipient of the National Rivers Hall of Fame National Achievement Award (2013)

Diplomat of the Academy of Coastal, Ocean, Port and Navigation Eng Society (2010)

Recipient of Department of Homeland Security’s ISCG Distinguished Public Service Award for leadership of the creation of legislated Towing Vessel Inspection System (2010)

Invited Reviewer of TRB Special Report #318, “Modernizing Freight Rail Regulation”

Invited Reviewer of National Research Council’s “Report of the 21st Century Truck Partnership”

Invited Reviewer and Public Panel Member of TRB Special Report #315: “Funding and Managing the US Inland Waterway System” including Public Presentation on June 15

Invited Expert and Participant in National Academy of Science’s “Forum on Coastal Resiliency”

Appointment by Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works as “US Principal Representative to the PIANC Inland Navigation Commission”

University of Arkansas MarTrec Advisory Board

Belmont University Business Ethics Program Advisory Committee

Princeton University Faith and Work Program Advisory Board

Cumberland Heights Board of Directors

Cumberland River Compact Board of Directors

Nashville Community Bail Fund

Transportation Research Board Member of Resilience Section Committee

Marine Board of National Academies, Member

National Waterways Foundation, Board of Directors and Past Chairman

Seamen’s Church Institute Board of Directors


Ph.D. – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Civil Engineering, 1980

M.S. – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Civil Engineering, 1977

B.S. – Princeton University, Civil Engineering, 1975