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Intermodal GIS Network Risk Assessment

Previous research at Vanderbilt University developed a routable, nationwide intermodal freight transportation network for simulating and analyzing intermodal flows. The network maintains original attributes for each mode (e.g., AADT for the highway network, tonnages for the waterway network and rail traffic density for the rail network). While the initial intent of the network was to provide a tool for transportation agencies to better understand intermodal freight flows within, around and through their jurisdictions, the network may also be used for risk-based analyses.

This research effort was focused on incorporating modal-specific incident rates for all links. The research documentation provides valuable insight into the difficulties performing such a task, shortcomings with casualty datasets and example GIS calculations that can be performed to measure risk along a transportation route within a GIS (i.e., population density within 5 miles, etc.).

Supplemental Notes: This research was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation, University Transportation Centers Program (University of Memphis, Intermodal Freight Transportation Institute).

Please contact Jimmy Dobbins for more information about this project. The final report may be found by clicking here.