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I-40 Trucking Operations and Safety Analysis

I-40 is a critical east-west link in the U.S. Interstate System. The existence of I-40 stretching across Tennessee is a vital transportation link and presents many factors that should be studied for a better understanding of their various ramifications.  Vehicle volumes (both automobile and truck), freight movements via trucks along I-40, alternative shipping routes associated with railroad improvements, numerous vehicle safety issues, congestion, and varying roadway conditions are but a few of the subjects for possible investigation.

The purpose of this project is to: 1) investigate the important aspects of I-40 as this critical interstate traverses the length of Tennessee, and 2) better understand the cause and effect of many transportation decisions. An inventory of existing conditions, traffic trend analyses, freight movements, the impacts of various transportation decisions and overall motor vehicle safety will be explored in this research project.

Supplemental Notes: This research was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation, University Transportation Centers Program (University of Memphis, Intermodal Freight Transportation Institute).