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Current Research


  • Policy, management, and operations
  • Advanced information systems
  • Intermodal freight
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
  • Safety, security, and risk management
  • Incident management and emergency operations


  • National Waterways Foundation (NWF) – Impacts of Unscheduled Lock Outages
  • Vanderbilt Trans-Institutional Programs (TIPs) – (1) Smart Cities & (2) Infrastructure Monitoring
  • Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) – GIS Training for K12 Teachers
  • TDOT – Enhanced GIS Legacy Database
  • TPOT – HOV Occupancy Detection Monitoring Systems Evalusation
  • TN Department of Economic and Community Development

* Vulnerability Mapping for Flood and Earthquake Hazards
* Risk Education Curriculum Development
* Waterborne Commerce Activity
  • TDOT Freight Research Program
* Use of Freight Advisory Committees to Respond in Supply Chain Disruption
* Cyber Physical Systems for Freight Management and Operations
* Capacity and Diversion Assessment





J. Banks (Graduate Student), J.Camp, M.Abkowitz.  2016. A Screening Method for Bridge Scour Estimation and Flood Adaptation Planning utilizing Hazus-MH 2.1 and HEC-18. ASCE Journal:  Natural Hazards Review. October 2014, 04014025-1-10.


L. Dundon,  K. Nelson, J. Camp, M. Abkowitz and A. Jones. 2016. Using Climate and Weather Data to Support Regional Vulnerability Screening Assessments of Transportation Infrastructure, Risks, 4, 28; DOI 10.3390.


Abkowitz, M. and E. Bickford. 2016. Application of a Decision-Support Tool for Evaluating Radioactive Material Transportation Routing Options and Emergency Preparedness, Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials.


L. Dundon, M. Abkowitz, J. Camp. 2015. The Real Value of FracFocus as a Regulatory Tool:  A National Survey of State Regulators.  Energy Policy.  87, 496-504.

M. Abkowitz, J. Camp.  2015. Structuring an Enterprise Risk Assessment Protocol: Traditional Practice and New Methods.  Risk Management and Insurance Review.  In Press.

K. Nelson (Graduate Student), M. Abkowitz, J. Camp.  2015. A Method for Creating High Resolution Maps of Social Vulnerability in the Context of Environmental Hazards.  Applied Geography.  63, 89-100.


Bronzini, M., M. Baird, M. Abkowitz, J. Camp. 2014. “Developing a Toolkit for Hazardous Materials Transportation Education.”  Transportation Research Record:  Journal of the Transportation Research Board.  No. 2411, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington D.C., 2014, 96-105.

J. Banks, J. Camp, M. Abkowitz.  2014. Scale and Resolution Considerations in the Application of HAZUS-MH to Flood Risk Assessments. ASCE Journal:  Natural Hazards Review. October 2014, 04014025-1-10.

J. Banks, J. Camp, M. Abkowitz. 2014. Adaptation Planning for Floods:  A Review of Available Tools. Natural Hazards.  70(2):  1327-1337.


J. Camp, M. Abkowitz, G. Hornberger, L. Benneyworth, J. Banks. 2013. Climate Change and Freight Transportation Infrastructure:  Current Challenges for Adaptation. ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems.  December, 2013


E.B. Daniel, J.S. Camp, E.J. LeBoeuf, J.R. Penrod, J.P. Dobbins, M.D. Abkowitz. 2011. Watershed Modeling and Its Applications:  A State of the Art Review. The Open Hydrology Journal, 5: 26-50.


E.B. Daniel, J.V. Camp, E.J. LeBoeuf, J.R. Penrod (Graduate Student), M.D. Abkowitz, J.P. Dobbins. 2010. Watershed Modeling Using GIS Technology:  A Critical Review.  Journal of Spatial Hydrology, 10(2): 13-28.

J.V. Camp, D.B. George, M.J.M. Wells and P.E. Arce.  2010. Monitoring Advanced Oxidation of Suwannee River Fulvic Acid.  Environmental Chemistry, 7(3): 225-231

J. Camp,E.J. LeBoeuf,M.D. Abkowitz, 2010. Application of an Advanced Spill Management Information System to inland waterways.  Journal of Hazardous Materials.  175:  583-592.

J. Camp, M.D. Abkowitz, E.J. LeBoeuf. 2010. Inland Waterway Resource and Spill Management Needs of Southeastern United States.  Disaster Prevention and Management.  19(4): 483-497.