Bennett Landman


Electrical and Computer Engineering (primary), Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering | School of Engineering | Vanderbilt University. Vanderbilt University Institute of Image Science, Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt Brain Institute, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Biomedical Informatics, Neurology | Vanderbilt University Medical Center

VALIANT Director, VALIANT AI Fellow, Stevenson Chair of Engineering, Professor

My primary area of scientific focus is medical image processing with robust and scalable methods for large-scale dataanalysis. My primary training is in statistical learning with multi-modal imaging with a focus on diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging, and I have worked on childhood / development imaging (Vanderbilt Kennedy Center), diabetes imaging (both brain and pancreas), Alzheimer’s disease, abdominal surgery, and lung imaging. Through experiences gain working across scales and target anatomy, we develop robust insight into effective machine learning techniques and scalable informatics systems. While my academic home is in electrical and computer engineering, my training is in biomedical engineering and 3-D radiological image analysis. I seek to connect the image processing methods with both the medicalphysics underpinning of the data and their clinical applications. I founded the Vanderbilt University Institute of ImageScience’s (VUIIS) Center for Computational Imaging (VUIIS-CCI) and serve as principal scientist of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) radiology research archive (ImageVU), with 1+ billion images. Dissemination and support of image processing tools is a core component of my academic identify.