Support the Vision of VALIANT

Thank you for considering a contribution to VALIANT—the Vanderbilt Lab for Immersion AI Translation. At VALIANT, we’re dedicated to revolutionizing the field of AI through interdisciplinary research and education that positively impacts our world. By bringing together brilliant minds across different domains, we foster innovations that transcend traditional boundaries.

Your gift, regardless of size, is a valuable investment in a future where AI serves as a force for societal good. Your support can help to fuel:

  • Innovative Training Programs: Contribute to programs like our “AI Scholars” and “AI Fellows,” which empower promising predoctoral trainees and accomplished faculty to pioneer AI solutions for complex challenges.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: Help us maintain and enhance our facilities with cutting-edge technology that enables groundbreaking research and collaboration.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaborations: Sponsor initiatives that encourage radical collaboration among researchers, driving rapid prototyping and development of AI applications.
  • Educational Outreach: Fund events and programming that extend AI learning to broader communities, shaping the next generation of AI experts.
  • Research and Development: Enable our teams to push the envelope in AI research, from foundational studies to technology transfer that brings ideas to life.

We invite you to join us in shaping a future driven by innovative AI technologies. To explore how your interests align with VALIANT’s mission, please reach out to our Senior Program Manager. Your partnership can make a transformative difference.

To make a direct donation to VALIANT and become a part of our mission, please reach out to us.