Industry Affiliates Program

In an effort to advance translational AI research and education driven by both curiosity-inspired and use-inspired studies, VALIANT has established an Industry Affiliates Program (IAP) designed to foster dynamic and collaborative relations with domestic and international industry leaders. Support from IAP members will be used to support students, faculty, and laboratory infrastructure through project pilot funding, immersive education, networking events, and specialized equipment.


VALIANT offers a tiered Industry Affiliates Program designed to foster dynamic and collaborative relationships with industry partners. Our program provides a range of benefits tailored to different stages of company growth and specific needs. For more details on how to become an affiliate and the various benefits available, please contact us at or visit our through our structured request form here.

Gold Tier

GOLD Affiliate (Growth)

Reserved for smaller companies or start-ups, VALIANT’S Entry-level Industry Affiliates option is specifically designed for this early growth stage.

  • Exposure to latest research and developments in cutting-edge technologies*
  • Access to VALIANT students and postdocs through an online database of profiles and resumes
  • Virtual and on-campus recruitment opportunities
  • Ability to post job openings on the VALIANT forums
  • Access to VALIANT research through an invitation to annual showcases
  • Invitation to participate in VALIANT short courses
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement on VALIANT website and at select sponsored events
  • Subscription to the VALIANT newsletter for notification of Spotlight publications and other VALIANT updates
  • Personal lab tours upon request
  • Access to invitation-only workshops focusing on the latest advancements and discoveries in the field prior to publication
Platinum Tier

PLATINUM Affiliate

In addition to GOLD-level benefits, PLATINUM Industry Affiliates will also receive:

  • Opportunity to sponsor a workshop
  • Opportunity to pitch collaborative AI projects to VALIANT faculty and students
Strategic Tier


In addition to PLATINUM Level benefits, STRATEGIC Industry Affiliates will also receive:

  • Headline sponsorship acknowledgement at VALIANT’s annual showcases
  • Private networking opportunities with VALIANT students and postdocs during annual showcases
  • Early access to poster session abstracts prior to VALIANT’s annual showcases
  • Opportunity for (2) 60-minute “brainstorming” sessions with VALIANT faculty and students focused on your company’s specific interests or questions**
Diamond Tier

DIAMOND Affiliate (Non-Profit)

VALIANT appreciates the contributions to our communities and society made by non-profit and community organizations. As an expression of that appreciation, these organizations may also join VALIANT’s industry affiliates program at a non-profit rate.

  • Exposure to latest research and developments in cutting-edge technologies in VALIANT*
  • Access to VALIANT students and postdocs through an online database of profiles and resumes
  • Virtual and on-campus recruitment opportunities
  • Ability to post job openings on the VALIANT forums
  • Access to VALIANT research through an invitation to annual showcases
  • Invitation to participate in VALIANT short courses
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement on VALIANT’s website and at select sponsored events
  • Subscription to the VALIANT newsletter for notification of Spotlight publications and other VALIANT updates
  • Opportunity to sponsor a workshop
  • Opportunity to pitch collaborative projects to VALIANT faculty and students
  • Personal lab tours upon request

Further Opportunities

Further opportunities for collaboration and investment in VALIANT include the following separate programs:

  • Sponsored graduate student and undergraduate fellowships
  • Naming opportunities for endowments of core facility labs
  • Equipment donations (separate program)


Membership benefits can also be tailored to specific industry affiliate needs.

* Detailed discussions may require a confidentiality agreement.

** An intellectual property agreement may be required.