About Us

Our Approach

  • Cultivating Expertise: We empower researchers by nurturing a foundation in informatics, AI, and workforce development, ensuring they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to lead the field.
  • Cross-Disciplinary Synergy: Our strategy transcends boundaries, promoting a flow of knowledge and innovation that dissolves the barriers of traditional academic silos.
  • Strategic Investment: By accelerating the innovation pipeline, we construct a structured ecosystem for discovery, primed by strategic investments in research capabilities.

Impact and Innovation

Our prioritization model is built on agile decision-making. We identify potential, prototype solutions, advance research, and deploy investments rapidly, all while redirecting and refining our focus based on real-world feedback and outcomes. At every step, active engagement with the VALIANT community and a keen eye for intellectual and societal returns drive us forward.

Contact Information

Lab Location: 385 Jacobs Hall (also known as “FGH”)
Office: 382 Jacobs Hall
Maps: Interactive PDF
E-mail: valiant@vanderbilt.edu
Phone: (615) 322-2338 FAX: (615) 343-5459

USPS / Regular Mail

Vanderbilt University / VALIANT
2301 Vanderbilt Pl.
PO Box 351679 Station B
Nashville, TN 37235-1679

Packages / Shipping

Vanderbilt University VALIANT
400 24th Ave So., Room 254
Nashville, TN 37235