a VALIANT Effort | June 2024


On behalf of the VALIANT Steering Committee, it is my pleasure to introduce the first issue of a VALIANT Effort, our monthly newsletter. Since our May launch, I have had the immense pleasure of meeting with many passionate members of our community – the energy and excitement are palpable for the potential of AI. Toward this end, I am thrilled to announce sixteen new partnerships with centers, institutes, and departments across VU and VUMC. These partnerships will streamline collaboration, and we have already received our first grant in partnership with VUMC’s ADVANCE (AI Discovery and Vigilance to Accelerate Innovation and Clinical Excellence). I look forward to continuing to expand synergies with our regional and industrial partners.

Leading the Charge

Elyssa McMaster, doctoral student in Electrical and Computer Engineering, is leading the creation of a vibrant new student group called “VALIANT Attempt.”


“VALIANT Attempt is about building a community where everyone knows each other, shares wild, translational AI ideas, and feels part of something bigger,” Elyssa explained. Her vision extends beyond mere participation; it’s about creating an environment where students are recognized for their contributions.


“I think it’s really important to have a space where everyone can actually see each other and know who the other people in their center are,” she remarked. This sense of belonging is crucial for fostering our collaborative spirit that drives innovative research and learning.


Our AI Scholars are creatively thinking about how to use available spaces and resources to bring people together. From hosting mixers to planning activities like potlucks and group outings, their initiatives aim to turn every gathering into an opportunity for networking and friendship.


As we look forward to applying for official recognition of VALIANT Attempt this fall, Elyssa would like to collaborate with current VALIANT AI Scholars to best serve the community. Join us in supporting her and the VALIANT Attempt to not just create a student group, but a movement that enriches our collective experience. Join the AI Scholars on our website. 

Alumni Lookout

This story from the field is brought to us by Dr. Vishwesh Nath (PhD’20, Vanderbilt Computer Science), Sr. Research Scientist at NVIDIA. His work focuses on medical imaging, including AI-assisted annotation, self-supervised learning, vision language models, neural architecture search, and federated learning. 
Multimodal deep learning models that combine audio and language with vision are becoming more clinically relevant with every passing day. They hold a lot of potential to reduce the burden on physicians and radiologists alike by tackling many routine tasks and becoming a guidance tool. To highlight key examples, Li et. al (code), Moor et. al (code), and Lin et. al(code) push the capabilities higher for multi-modal models

These methods can be extremely useful in double-checking clinicians notes, searching for missed visual features for prevention and improving diagnostic reports overall. VALIANT is positioned in a unique way where they have access to clinical setting data and a team of exceptionally capable scientists, which when combined can unleash these type of multi-modal models.

“Something I learnt at Vanderbilt was to not compete in the red ocean but to drift towards the blue ocean. The Multi-modal models can be applied to create tsunami like waves of the blue ocean.”

VALIANT Ventures

Our scientists are breaking new ground.

Save The Date

VALIANT, ADVANCE, CS, DSI, ECELIVE, VISE & Jean and Alexander Heard Libraries are co-hosting the AI Summer School August 12-16, 2024 in Stevenson Hall. Registration will open in early July. Space is limited. Sign up early.

New Studio in AI

We are thrilled to support the launch of a new course, ES3890 Special Topics: Studio in AI for Fall 2024. This one-unit course is designed for students eager to develop or advance independent AI projects.

Celebrating Invention

VALIANT is partnering with the CTTC to offer CTTC-affiliated AI Scholars a supplementary award for completing the invention disclosure process. Participating in the award program does not alter, adjust, or otherwise change the existing IP ownership or licensing obligations.

Alchemists’ Corner

We have a lot going on right now. Here is what has hit Scopus from our community since we launched in May. Follow the links below for AI summaries and full-text links.

valiant@vanderbilt.edu | https://vanderbilt.edu/valiant | @VandyValiant | LinkedIN

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