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This website represents a past initiative of USAC, MCSAC, Faculty Senate, and Human Resources.

Inquiries should be directed to

Vanderbilt has long taken pride for fostering a culture of respect and acceptance where diversity and inclusion are celebrated. The C.A.R.E. Committee (Civility, Appreciation and Respectful Environments) is a grassroots effort empowering each of us, as Vanderbilt faculty and staff, to encourage civilized behaviors in our own work environments. It is sponsored by the University Staff Council, the Medical Center Staff Advisory Council, the Faculty Senate and Human Resources (VU and VUMC).

The kind act of listening to others, an offer of help, or an encouraging word can be the bright spot in one's day. When a workplace has a foundation in civility, kind words and kind acts, it leaves little room for bullying and harassment.

I can say that we are always kind to each other. We are a great support team. One instance close to my heart was a family crisis this past October 2017. Everyone here at the Law Library pitched in to support me during this sad time in my life.

Read more C.A.R.E. stories


Workplace Civility: Show Kindness - Resource List:

Workplace Civility: Respect Our Differences - Resource List:

Workplace Civility: Think Before You Speak Event - Resource List:

Workplace Civility: Building Trust Event - Resource List:

Health Plus Wellcast

Workplace Civility Kick Off Event - Resource List:

Other Resources:

Vanderbilt Health & Wellness Resilience Toolkit

  •  Resources to encourage healthy attitude, skill sets, and lifestyle

Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Disability Services

  • They offer interactive programs that address equal opportunity and affirmative action, sexual harassment, diversity, cross-cultural communication, and employing persons with disabilities.

Center for Patient and Professional Advocacy (CPPA)

  • 615-343-4500

Vanderbilt Police Training Programs

  • 615-322-2558

WorkLife Connections/Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

  • 615-936-1327

Nurse Wellness Program

  • 615-936-1327

Suggested Readings

Choosing Civility by P.M. Forni

The Civility Solutions by P.M. Forni

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

The Assertive Advantage: A Guide to Healthy, Positive Communication by Sharon Anthony Bower

Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson, Josephy Grenny, Ron McMillan & Al Switzler

Difficulty Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Hen, & Roger Fisher