Vanderbilt Unity Index
Vanderbilt Unity Index reveals Americans identify less with ideological extremes, even as Congress gets more polarized
The Vanderbilt Project on Unity & American Democracy’s VUI measures the level and amount of change in Americans’ faith and trust in democracy. In the first quarter of 2023, the Vanderbilt Unity Index increased almost half a percentage point, driven by a decrease in the number of… Read MoreMay. 10, 2023
America’s sense of unity is largely unchanged through the 2022 election season, Vanderbilt Unity Index indicates
The Vanderbilt Project on Unity & American Democracy’s latest Vanderbilt Unity Index, a quarterly measurement of Americans’ general faith and trust in democracy, remained largely stable for a third consecutive quarter, even through the heated rhetoric surrounding the 2022 midterm elections. Today, the Unity Project released the 2022 fourth-quarter Vanderbilt… Read MoreFeb. 3, 2023
Americans’ sense of political unity stable in run-up to midterm elections, Vanderbilt Unity Index indicates
The Vanderbilt Project on Unity & American Democracy’s newly released data from the Vanderbilt Unity Index, which measures Americans’ general faith and trust in democracy, shows little change from the second to the third quarter of 2022. For the second quarter in a row, the Vanderbilt… Read MoreOct. 25, 2022
Washington Post: How politically divided is the U.S.? It’s complicated but quantifiable.
Read Dean John Geer and Mary Catherine Sullivan’s recent piece in the Washington Post about the Vanderbilt Unity Index. The new measure of national unity examines shifts over decades, and tells a better story than you might think. Read MoreJun. 10, 2022
Vanderbilt Unity Project launches “Unity Index” showing quarterly snapshot on Americans’ faith and trust in democracy
A new index designed by researchers at Vanderbilt University shows a steady erosion of trust in American political institutions over the past 40 years, with it hitting its lowest point in 2017 after racial unrest in Charlottesville, Virginia. Launched by the Vanderbilt Project on Unity and American Democracy, the… Read MoreApr. 11, 2022