Bill Haslam
‘Unity Talks’ podcast now available to stream
Listen on Spotify Listen on Amazon Music Listen on Google Podcasts Unity Talks, produced by the Vanderbilt Project on Unity and American Democracy, is a podcast featuring a series of conversations and… Read MoreDec. 12, 2022
“Divided and Angry,” an excerpt from Faithful Presence: the Promise and the Peril of Faith in the Public Square
The place of faith in public life has been hotly debated as promising and perilous since our nation's founding, and the relationship of church and state remains contentious to this day—and for good reason. Too often, Christians end up shaping their faith to fit their politics rather than forming their politics to their faith. They seem to forget their calling is to be used by God in service of others rather than to use God to reach their own desires and ends. Faith can be a redemptive, healing presence in the public square—as it must be, if our nation is to flourish. Read MoreMay. 24, 2021
WATCH: Book launch of Gov. Bill Haslam’s “Faithful Presence” with Rev. Dr. Emilie Townes and Peter Wehner
Thank you for viewing the May 25 book launch of Faithful Presence: The Promise and the Peril of Faith in the Public Square, now available wherever books are sold. Read or listen to an exclusive excerpt from Faithful Presence, selected by Gov. Haslam for the Vanderbilt Project… Read MoreMay. 13, 2021