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Electives: Business Pathways & Business in Society

Electives Required by the Minor

Students must complete a total of 9.0 elective hours from among the over 70 approved elective courses from all of the undergraduate schools in addition to the 7.5 Fundamental requirement. These elective hours may be taken from among the Business Pathways course group or the Business in Society course group, but no more than 3 hours from Business in Society can count as elective credit toward the minor.


Key Points:

  • Electives constitute a total of 9.0 hours of the BUS minor
  • Students must complete the elective requirements with a minimum of 6.0 hours from the Business Pathways courses. If desired, these courses may come from different specific pathways.
  • Students may count toward the elective requirements a maximum of 3.0 hours from the Business in Society courses.
  • Elective courses may have specific prerequisites; students should check the course catalog to confirm.
  • No more than one BUSA 3841 Directed Study may be counted toward fulfillment of the BUS electives requirement.