Blair Presents: AI and the Political Economy of Music and The Arts | March 6 at 6pm
Feb. 25, 2025—Ever wonder how AI is impacting the arts, specifically the livelihood of musicians? Learn more about at AI and the Political Economy of Music and the Arts, a panel discussion as part of an ongoing Symposium on “Music in the Real World” organized at the Blair School of Music by Prof. Michael Rose. The event takes...
Cloud Computing with the VU Digital Lab | Feb 27 1:30-2:30pm
Feb. 18, 2025—C^3 (Cloud Computing Community) The Digital Lab will host a Cloud Computing Learning Community to provide a collaborative space for faculty, staff, and students who are interested in exploring cloud-based tools and technologies. Cloud computing makes it easier to create and manage digital projects, such as analyzing large data sets, designing interactive websites, creating digital archives,...
Cookies and Crochet with VALIANT | Tuesday Feb 11
Feb. 5, 2025—Get ready for a lovely evening of cookies and crafting! Join the Vanderbilt Lab for Immersive AI Experiences (VALIANT) on February 11th at 5:30 PM in FGH 203 for their special VAL-entine’s Day edition of Cookies & Crochet! Whether you’re a crochet pro or have never held a hook before, VALIANT has you covered. They will...
Final Call for Papers: VU Undergraduate Research Journal | Deadline February 9th
Feb. 3, 2025—The Vanderbilt Undergraduate Research Journal (VURJ), a student-run interdisciplinary research journal at Vanderbilt whose aim is to showcase the work of undergraduate students, is now accepting submissions for the 15th volume of the journal (2025 issue)! We accept manuscript submissions in 7 disciplines: Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Education and Human Development, Humanities, Political Science and...
Drop By! | DS Minor Pop Up Tables
Jan. 30, 2025—Drop By and Chat! Have some questions about the DS Minor program requirements? Have some questions about your degree audit or your progress in the Minor? Just want to grab a free t-shirt as a declared DS Minor?! Drop by the Commons Center on Thursday, January 30th from 11:30am-1pm to chat with DS Minor administrators,...
Now Accepting Applications: DS Minor Teaching Fellowship for graduate students
Jun. 28, 2023—Are you a graduate student with a passion for data science and a talent for teaching? The Undergraduate Data Science Minor program is excited to offer an exceptional opportunity this year: in addition to our standard two teaching fellowships, we’re delighted to introduce a brand-new position offering support for DS Minor courses in Python! These...
Now hiring graders and TAs for the Fall 2023 Semester!
Apr. 27, 2023—Attention data science, machine learning, statistics, programming, and artificial intelligence enthusiasts! The Data Science Minor is hiring TAs and graders for Fall 2023 in some of the most high-demand data science courses on campus: DS 1000, DS 1100, DS 2100, DS 3262, and DS 3100. As a TA or grader, you’ll have the chance to...
The DS Minor – Now Hiring TAs and Graders for Spring 2023!
Nov. 16, 2022—Interested in applying your skills towards providing feedback to students in introductory concepts and problems of data science as a grader? Or, ready to assist and guide undergraduate learners to better understand the concepts and skills of data science as a TA? We are hiring TAs and graders for the spring 2023 semester for your...
DSI Research Opportunities – First Info Session Nov 15
Nov. 7, 2022—Interested in applying the skills you’ve learned in the classroom to a real-world data science project? Join us November 15th from 4:30pm – 5pm in a virtual information session about joining projects with the Data Science Institute. Undergraduates are welcome to join and apply! Join DSI Data Science Projects – Spring 2023!
Plan for the Summer: DSI Summer Research Info Session
Oct. 4, 2022—Hoping for a summer of research using data science? Learn more about opportunities for full-time funded research during the summer through the Data Science Institute’s Summer Research Program! Plan Now for Summer Research: SRP Information Session