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IBM Using Watson Studio in Data Science Workshop

Posted by on Monday, October 11, 2021 in Events, News, Students.

IBM in collaboration with the Wond’ry, Vanderbilt’s Innovation Center, will be hosting a data science workshop series on October 20, 2021, and October 27, 2021. Therefore, I would like to invite undergraduate students minoring in data science to this virtual event. The objective of this workshop is to encourage the usage of IBM Watson Studio as a data science tool amongst members of the Vanderbilt community.  The topic of this workshop is Using Watson Studio in Data Science. Our guest speaker for the event is Armen Pischdotchian. He is an academic developer at IBM Global University Programs. He will be showing us how to run data science projects via IBM Watson Studio. Participants are expected to create an IBM cloud account before the workshop via this link: This will make it possible for them to use IBM Watson Studio. The workshop is split into two sessions with a deliverable in between the two sessions. The first session is an introductory/practical session in which people learn how to use IBM Watson Studio. The second session is Q & A session in which people get to ask Armen questions about their experience using IBM Watson Studio. Participants are expected to take the Getting Enterprise with Data Science course on IBM Academic initiative website in between the two sessions. Here is the link to the course: Attached to this email is a flyer for the workshop. Here is the link to register for the event: Here is the zoom link for the series:
