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How to Make a Tutoring Appointment

Tutoring Services uses a scheduling system called WCOnline which is the online portal that allows you to make, change, or cancel an appointment with your tutor. Please read through the detailed instructions below for assistance in opening your account with us and scheduling your appointment. For those of you who have online appointments, WCOnline will be the page you navigate through to find the Zoom link for your tutor.

Quick Page Navigation

Step 1: Accessing our Scheduler (WCOnline)

Beginning on the main website for Tutoring Services, you will see in large font, “Schedule a 1-1 Appointment” and “Schedule a Group Appointment.” Follow one of the two linked images and you will first need to sign in using your VUnetID and password before landing in Tutoring Services’ WCOnline scheduling platform.

On your first visit, you will need to complete a brief registration profile on your first visit (which you will be prompted to updated on your first sign-in each semester to make sure your account accurately reflects your information).

You will then be able to make, modify, or cancel in-person or online tutoring appointments. All tutoring appointments are scheduled in WCOnline, both individual sessions and group Roundtables. Clients accessing our satellite services are welcome to make an appointment in WCOnline for their visit to that satellite office, although at those locations we also welcome walk-ins and your tutor can also help you get registered and set up to schedule future appointments.

New Users: Register an Account

On your first visit, you will need to go through the quick and easy process of registering a new account in the WCOnline system. Because clients sign in with their VUnetID and password, your account will be automatically tied to your Vanderbilt email address.

In setting up your profile, you will be able to decide how you want to receive alerts from us, whether by email or by text. (You can also return to and update your profile and contact preferences at any time.)

Switching between Schedules: 1-on-1 and Group Schedules

While you must select a particular WCOnline schedule–typically our current 1-on-1 schedule or Group schedule–in order to sign into our online scheduler, switching between schedules within WCOnline is quick and easy.

To switch between schedules (for instance, from 1-on-1 to Group), simply look for the drop-down menu to the right of the date at the top of the page. Open the drop-down menu and select your desired schedule.

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Step 2: Scheduling a Tutoring Appointment (1-on-1 or Group)

Once you sign in, you will arrive at a page that displays all of our appointments for the current week.

You will see that open appointments appear as white blocks on the calendar, whereas blue blocks are already claimed or otherwise unavailable.

A demo image of the WCOnline scheduler which displays available appointments by in a grid with times across the horizontal axis and individual tutors on the verticle axis.


White blocks are open and available to be scheduled

Blue Blocks are unavailable,

Yellow Blocks are Your Scheduled Appointments

Calendar Navigation

The calendar navigation links at the top of the schedule will allow you to bring a particular date to the top of the display or to skip ahead (or back) by a week. Doing so will allow you to take advantage of our policy that appointments can be made up to 7 days in advance.

(Note that the option to make appointments beyond the current week will be locked until your desired appointment is within 7 days of the current date.)

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Filter the Schedule by Subject

The “Filter our tutors by course” drop-down menu at the top of the page allows you to quickly find the tutor you need for the many STEM subjects our tutors support.

Select a particular course number on the drop-down, and the schedule will display only those tutors qualified to support that particular course.

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Making an Appointment

Once you have found an open appointment for your desired course at a convenient day and time, you can book your appointment.

      1. To schedule a new appointment, click on a white “open” block to make an appointment, which will open a new window or tab for the Appointment form.
      2. Complete the questions in the “Appointment Form.” Be sure to include any specific topics you’d like to discuss with your tutor, select a Course Focus at the bottom on the form, and check the box indicating that you understand Tutoring Services’ Appointment Policies.
      3. Select “Create Appointment.” Doing so will confirm your tutoring appointment and generate a confirmation email (or text, if you selected this option in your profile).
      4. Your reserved appointment time will now appear in yellow (designated for “my appointments”).

NOTE: Students also have the option of sharing a tutoring appointment with a friend. For more information, see our Pair Appointments page.

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Modify or Cancel an Appointment

To modify or cancel an existing appointment, simply return to the schedule and navigate to the day and time of the appointment. Click on the yellow (or red) appointment block to open the “View Existing Appointment” window or tab. At the bottom of the form, you will find the options to “Edit Appointment” or “Cancel Appointment.”

Keep in mind that our appointment cancellation policies differ between 1-on-1 and Group appointments. Although we ask that all cancellations be made as far in advance as possible, group appointment cancellations must take place 4 hours or more prior to the start of the group session.

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The Waiting List Feature

Don’t see an appointment when you need it? We encourage you to use the the Waiting List feature built into our scheduling platform, WCOnline, to be alerted to openings on our schedule on a specific day or at a specific time.

Before signing up for the Waiting List, please keep the following in mind:

  • The WCOnline Waiting List feature provides notifications only and does not reserve appointments for anyone.
  • The Waiting List feature only sends notification of openings on a specific day based on optional limits you set when joining the Waiting List.
  • Once you receive a Waiting List notification, you must still log in and reserve the appointment yourself on a first-come basis. (Keep in mind that a number of individuals may receive the same notification for the same opening.) 

To Join the Waiting List (for openings on a specific day):

  1. Open the Waiting List window
    1. From the Appointment Search menu: Click on “Find Appointments” for the search criteria you selected. If you do not see an appointment that fits your needs, click “Waiting List” at the top of the page.
    2. From the Calendar Display: Click on the “Waiting List” link in the bottom right corner of the day on which you are seeking an appointment and sign up.
  2. Set your desired limits on the waiting list notifications you wish to receive (all limits are optional):
    1. Limit to a specific staff or resource, in this case a specific STEM tutor or group session.
    2. Limit to specific focus by course (i.e. CHEM 1601 or MATH 1300)
    3. Limit to a specific time range (appointment start and/or end times)
  3. Select “Join Waiting List.”
    1. You’ve joined the Waiting List on a specific day! Automated notifications of any openings matching the limits you set will be sent to your Vanderbilt email address.

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