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Guide to Online Appointments

All Tutoring Services’ appointments are currently being held as Zoom meetings, which are still scheduled and accessed using our WCOnline scheduling platform (accessible via our “Schedule an Appointment” link in the sidebar).

Below you will find a general guide to scheduling and accessing online full-length 1-on-1 tutoring sessions and group-based sessions (weekly learning roundtables and pre-exam study groups).

For those scheduling their first Tutoring Services appointment, we recommend you also read this general overview about our appointments and our appointment policies.

Scheduling and Beginning an Online Appointment

Step 1: Access our online schedule (WCOnline)Image of the WCOnline Scheduler

On the Tutoring Services homepage, click “Schedule an Appointment.” You will taken to the login page for Tutoring Services’s WCOnline scheduling platform. On your first visit, you will need to select “Register an account.” Login to set up your appointment. After logging in, you will be connected to Tutoring Services’ WCOnline scheduling platform (pictured here) to set up your appointment.

New users: On your first visit, you will also need to go through the quick and easy process of registering a new account in the WCOnline scheduler.

Once you are logged in, you will be on a page displaying all of our appointments for the current week. Using the navigation links at the top of the page, you can also access the following week, as well. Note that our settings allow you to make appointments up to 14 days in advance. Summer sessions allow you to make appointments up to 7 days in advance.


White blocks are open and available to be scheduled

Blue Blocks are unavailable,

Yellow Blocks are Your Schedule Appointments

Step 2: Schedule an Appointment

  1. Once signed in to the One-on-One schedule or Group schedule, you will see that open appointments appear as white blocks on the calendar, whereas blue blocks are already claimed or otherwise unavailable.
  2. To schedule a new appointment, click on a white “open” block to make an appointment, which will open a new window or tab for the Appointment form.
  3. Complete the Appointment form, including the opportunity to indicate the discipline specific task you would like to discuss and the goals on which you would like to focus. (For example: Chemistry 1601 Ch. 5 problem set or Physics 1601 conceptual overview of equilibrium and elasticity)
  4. Once the form is filled out, simply hit “Save Appointment.” Your reserved appointment time will now appear in yellow (designated for “my appointments”).

Step 3: Begin your Synchronous Online Appointment

Approximately 5-10 minutes before the start of your appointment, sign into the Tutoring Services scheduler and follow these steps:

  1. Find and click on the yellow block at the time of your appointment.
  2. Within the pop-up Appointment window, find and click your scheduled appointment block (which should appear in yellow). Within the appointment pop-up window, look for and follow the embedded Zoom meeting link to enter the Zoom session with your tutor.
  3. You should be routed to the Zoom Waiting Room. Your tutor will admit you when they are ready.


Please contact us at or, during regular business hours, call us at 615-343-2225.