Programs and Benefits

Commute Incentive

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Daily parking program participants who take alternative commutes to campus will earn a $1 daily incentive each time they choose an alternative commute up to a total of $20 per month, assuming a 20-day work month. Eligible sustainable commutes include walking, biking, transit (bus and train), carpooling and vanpooling.

Participants can also access the Guaranteed Ride Home program in the event of an emergency or unforeseen circumstance on a day they chose an alternative commute option. In addition, registering for WeGo’s Emergency Ride Home program is encouraged.

In order to verify alternative commutes for accounting and auditing purposes, please ensure that your alternative commute is accurately reflected in the MoveVU Commute Hub calendar each day you take an alternative commute to campus. Changes cannot be made after a reporting period closes. Alternative commute incentives cannot be earned on holidays and weekends, but you are encouraged to log those trips too to gain an accurate depiction of your commuting habits.

The following alternative commute options can be logged in the Commute Calendar:

  • Walk

    Strava and MapMyFitness are integrated with the MoveVU Commute Hub. Connect your account to the MoveVU Commute Hub, and start your walking trip at the beginning of your commute and end it once you reach campus. A walk trip will be automatically logged in the Commute Calendar.

  • Bike

    Strava and MapMyFitness are integrated with the MoveVU Commute Hub. Connect your account to the MoveVU Commute Hub and start your bicycling trip at the beginning of your commute and end it once you reach campus. A bike trip will be automatically logged in the Commute Calendar.

  • Bus

    Swipe your physical Commodore Card (available for free from the Card Services office in Sarratt Student Center) and ride for FREE on WeGo local and regional buses and WeGo Access paratransit services. You will need to manually log your bus trip afterwards in the Commute Calendar.

  • Commuter Rail/Train

    If you ride the WeGo Star, show your physical Commodore Card to the ticket officer when requested. You will need to manually log your commuter rail trip afterwards in the Commute Calendar.

  • Carpool

    If you are the driver, swipe your Vanderbilt ID card at the garage entrance. Modify your parking activity in the Commute Calendar as a “carpool trip” and tag your rider(s), so that the parking charge can be split accordingly. If you are the rider, the driver must tag you as a rider and you must accept to split the charge.

  • Vanpool

    Before logging your vanpool trip, please ensure that your vanpool group is registered on the MoveVU Commute Hub, and that you are listed as a member of that vanpool.