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Places and Spaces: Mapping Science Exhibit Workshops

Posted by on Thursday, February 9, 2017 in Blog.

• Illustrations in Inkscape
o This event took place on February 7th from 11am until 12pm and demonstrated how to make illustrations in Inkscape, a vector graphics editor.
• Interactive Data Using KK/ggvis
o This event took place on February 8th from 11am until 12pm and taught how to test data using KK/ggvis with instruction by Cliff Anderson.
• Visualizing Data with Tableu
o This event took place on February 9th from 11am until 12pm with instructor Bobby Smiley and support by the Wild Bunch Lecture Fund.
• Interactive Traveling Exhibition
o Come see the interactive traveling exhibition on data visualization organized by Dr. Katy Börner and sponsored by the Vanderbilt Library and Vice Provost’s office. The exhibition, on display at Vanderbilt from January 23rd until April 23rd, contains 100 maps/visualizations of data (housed at Sarratt), an Illuminated Diagram (housed at the Wond’ry) and a Macroscope and World Processor Globes (housed at Central Library’s Lobby). A number of programs will complement the exhibition, including a lecture by Dr. Börner, a student competition, panel discussion, and data visualization workshops. The exhibition and programs are funded by the Wild Bunch Lecture Fund.